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Ultrashort Bond Mutual Funds : Mutual Fund Fees
This database will allow you to view the fees and other expenses associated with mutual funds as well as an alternate, lower cost, ETF option.
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Choose a Ultrashort Bond mutual fund below to see its investment fees and other associated costs.
Aberdeen Ultra-Short Duration Bond Fund Institutional Class (AUDIX)
AMF Ultra Short (AULTX)
AMF Ultra Short Mortgage (ASARX)
Calvert Ultra-Short Income A (CULAX)
Calvert Ultra-Short Income Fund Class Y (CULYX)
DFA One-Year Fixed-Income I (DFIHX)
DWS Ultra Short Duration A (SDUAX)
DWS Ultra Short Duration B (SDUBX)
DWS Ultra Short Duration C (SDUCX)
DWS Ultra Short Duration Instl (MGSFX)
DWS Ultra Short Duration Svc (SDUSX)
Federated Gov Ultrashort Duration A (FGUAX)
Federated Gov Ultrashort Duration Instl (FGUSX)
Federated Gov Ultrashort Duration InSvc (FEUSX)
Federated Ultrashort Bond A (FULCZ)
Federated Ultrashort Bond Instl (FULIX)
Federated Ultrashort Bond Svc (FULBX)
Fidelity Advisor Ultra Short Bond I (FUBIX)
Fidelity Advisor Ultra Short Bond T (FTUSX)
Fidelity Ultra-Short Bond (FUSFX)
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income A (GEIAX)
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income B (GEJBX)
Goldman Sachs Enhanced Income Instl (GEIIX)
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov A (GSAMX)
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov I (GSARX)
Goldman Sachs Ultra-Short Dur Gov Svc (GSASX)
Legg Mason WA Adj Rate Income A (ARMCZ)
Legg Mason WA Adj Rate Income A (ARMZX)
Legg Mason WA Adj Rate Income B (ARMBX)
Legg Mason WA Adj Rate Income C (ARMGX)
Managers Short Duration Government (MGSDX)
Metropolitan West Ultra Short Bond I (MWUIX)
Metropolitan West Ultra Short Bond M (MWUSX)
Nationwide Enhanced Income A (NME1Z)
Northern Ultra-Short Fixed Income Fund (NUSFX)
Payden Limited Maturity (PYLMX)
PIA Short Term Securities Adv (PIASX)
PIMCO Short-Term Admin (PSFAX)
PIMCO Short-Term B (PTSBX)
PIMCO Short-Term C (PFTCX)
PIMCO Short-Term D (PSHDX)
PIMCO Short-Term Instl (PTSHX)
PIMCO Short-Term P (PTSPX)
PIMCO Short-Term R (PTSRX)
Pioneer Multi-Asset Floating Rate Fund Class A (MAFRX)
Pioneer Multi-Asset Floating Rate Fund Class Y (MYFRX)
RidgeWorth Ultra-Short Bond I (SISSX)
RidgeWorth US Gov Sec Ultra-Short Bd I (SIGVX)
TCW Short Term Bond I (TGSMX)
Touchstone Ultra Short Dur F/I Z (TSDOX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Adj Rate Govt A (ESAAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Adj Rate Govt B (ESABX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Adj Rate Govt C (ESACX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Adj Rate Govt I (EKIZX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Ultra S/T Inc Adm (WUSDX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Ultra S/T Inc I (SADIX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Ultra S/T Inc Inv (STADX)
William Blair Low Duration I (WBLIX)
William Blair Low Duration Inst (WBLJX)
William Blair Low Duration N (WBLNX)