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Small Growth Mutual Funds : Mutual Fund Fees
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Choose a Small Growth mutual fund below to see its investment fees and other associated costs.
ActivePassive Small/Mid Cap A (APMGX)
Adams Harkness Small Cap Growth (ASCGX)
Alger Growth Opportunities A (AOFAX)
Alger Growth Opportunities C (AOFCX)
Alger Growth Opportunities I (AOFIX)
Alger Growth Opportunities Z (AGOZX)
Alger Small Cap Growth A (ALSAX)
Alger Small Cap Growth B (ALSCX)
Alger Small Cap Growth C (AGSCX)
Alger Small Cap Growth Institutional I (ALSRX)
Alger Small Cap Growth Portfolio Class I-2 (AASOX)
Alger Small Cap Growth Z (ASCZX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth A (QUA4Z)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth A (QUASX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth Adv (QUAYX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth B (QUABX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth C (QUACX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth I (QUAIX)
AllianceBern Small Cap Growth K (QUAKX)
Allianz AGIC Micro Cap Fund Institutional Class (AMCIX)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity A (POPAX)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity B (POOBX)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity C (POP1Z)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity C (POPCX)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity D (APPDX)
Allianz AGIC Opportunity Instl (POFIX)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Emerging Growth Fund Institutional Class (AEMIX)
AlphaMark Small Cap Growth (AMSCX)
American Beacon Stephens Sm Cp Gr Instl (STSIX)
American Beacon Stephens Sm Cp Gr Inv (STSGX)
American Century New Opps A (TWNAX)
American Century New Opps Instl (TWNIX)
American Century New Opps Investor (TWNOX)
American Century Small Cap Gr A (ANOAX)
American Century Small Cap Gr B (ANOBX)
American Century Small Cap Gr C (ANOCX)
American Century Small Cap Gr Instl (ANONX)
American Century Small Cap Gr Investor (ANOIX)
American Century Small Cap Gr R (ANORX)
American Independence Small Cap Growth Fund Class A (ASCAX)
American Independence Small Cap Growth Fund Class I (AIFSX)
AQR Small Cap Momentum Fund Class L (ASMOX)
Artio US Microcap A (JMCAX)
Artio US Microcap I (JMCIX)
Artio US Smallcap A (JSCAX)
Artio US Smallcap I (JSCIX)
Artisan Small Cap Investor (ARTSX)
ASTON/Veredus Small Cap Growth I (AVEIX)
ASTON/Veredus Small Cap Growth N (VERDX)
Baron Small Cap Fund Institutional Class (BSFIX)
Baron Small Cap Retail (BSCFX)
Baron Small Cap Retail (BSCTZ)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Instl (PSGIX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Inv A (CSGEX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Inv B (CSGBX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth Equity Inv C (CGICX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth II Instl (MASWX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth II Inv A (MDSWX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth II Inv B (MBSWX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth II Inv C (MCSWX)
BlackRock Small Cap Growth II R (MRUSX)
BNY Mellon Small Cap Stock Inv (MISCX)
Boston Trust Small Cap (BOSOX)
Bridgeway Small-Cap Growth (BRSGX)
Bridgeway Small-Cap Momentum Fund Class N (BRSMX)
Brown Advisory Small-Cap Growth D (BIAAX)
Brown Advisory Small-Cap Growth I (BIASX)
Brown Capital Mgmt Small Co Inv (BCSIX)
Buffalo Micro Cap (BUFOX)
Buffalo Small Cap (BUFSX)
Calamos Discovery Growth Fund Class A (CADGX)
Calamos Discovery Growth Fund Class I (CIDGX)
Century Small Cap Select Instl (CSMCX)
Century Small Cap Select Inv (CSMVX)
Champlain Small Company Adv (CIPSX)
CM Advisors Opportunity Fund (CMOGX)
Columbia Acorn USA A (LAUAX)
Columbia Acorn USA C (LAUCX)
Columbia Acorn USA Z (AUS1Z)
Columbia Acorn USA Z (AUSAX)
Columbia Acorn USA Z (AUSTZ)
Columbia Frontier A (SLF1Z)
Columbia Frontier A (SLFRX)
Columbia Frontier B (SLFBX)
Columbia Frontier C (SLFCX)
Columbia Frontier R4 (SFFTX)
Columbia Select Small Cap A (ESCAX)
Columbia Select Small Cap C (ESCCX)
Columbia Select Small Cap Z (UMLCX)
Columbia Small Cap Growth I A (CGOAX)
Columbia Small Cap Growth I B (CGOBX)
Columbia Small Cap Growth I Z (CMSCX)
Columbia Small Cap Growth I Z (CSM1Z)
Columbia Small Cap Growth II B (NCPBX)
Columbia Small Cap Growth II Z (PSCPX)
Conestoga Small Cap (CCASX)
Dreyfus/The Boston Co Sm Cp T/S Eq I (SDCEX)
Dreyfus/The Boston Co Small Cap Gr I (SSETX)
Dunham Small Cap Growth A (DADGX)
DWS Small Cap Growth A (SSDAX)
DWS Small Cap Growth B (SSDBX)
DWS Small Cap Growth C (SSDCX)
DWS Small Cap Growth S (SSD1Z)
DWS Small Cap Growth S (SSDSX)
Eagle Small Cap Growth A (HRCTZ)
Eagle Small Cap Growth A (HRSCX)
Eagle Small Cap Growth C (HSCCX)
Eagle Small Cap Growth I (HSIIX)
Eagle Small Cap Growth R3 (HSRRX)
Eagle Small Cap Growth R5 (HSRSX)
Eaton Vance Small-Cap A (ETEGX)
Eaton Vance Small-Cap B (EBSMX)
Eaton Vance Small-Cap C (ECSMX)
Eaton Vance Small-Cap I (EISGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Small-Cap A (ETMGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Small-Cap B (EMMGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Small-Cap C (ECMGX)
Emerald Growth A (HSPGX)
Essex Small/Micro Cap Growth A (MBRSX)
Essex Small/Micro Cap Growth C (MBRCX)
FBR Small Cap I (FBPYX)
FBR Small Cap Investor (FBRYX)
Federated Kaufmann Small Cap A (FKASX)
Federated Kaufmann Small Cap B (FKBSX)
Federated Kaufmann Small Cap C (FKCSX)
Federated MDT Small Cap Growth A (QASGX)
Federated MDT Small Cap Growth B (QBSGX)
Federated MDT Small Cap Growth C (QCSGX)
Federated MDT Small Cap Growth C (QCSTZ)
Federated MDT Small Cap Growth Instl (QISGX)
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth B (FCBGX)
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth C (FCCGX)
Fidelity Advisor Small Cap Growth I (FCIGX)
Fidelity Small Cap Growth (FCPGX)
Fifth Third Small Cap Growth Inv A (KNEMX)
First Trust/Confluence Small Cap Val I (FOVIX)
First Trust/Confluence Small Cap Value Fund Class A (FOVAX)
Forward Small Cap Equity Instl (FFHIX)
Forward Small Cap Equity Investor (FFSCX)
Forward Small Cap Equity M (FSCMX)
Franklin Small Cap Growth A (FMP1Z)
Franklin Small Cap Growth Adv (FSSAX)
Franklin Small Cap Growth R (FSSRX)
Frost Small Cap Equity A (FAHMX)
Frost Small Cap Equity Inst (FIHSX)
GE Instl Small-Cap Equity Inv (GSVIX)
GE Instl Small-Cap Equity Svc (GSQSX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr A (GSAOX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr A (GSASZ)
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr B (GSBOX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr C (GSCOX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Sm Cap Gr Instl (GSIOX)
Guggenheim Small Cap Growth A (SSCAX)
Guggenheim Small Cap Growth A (SSSSZ)
Guggenheim Small Cap Growth B (SEPBX)
Harbor Small Cap Growth Adm (HRSGX)
Harbor Small Cap Growth Instl (HASGX)
Harbor Small Cap Growth Inv (HISGX)
Harbor Small Cap Growth Inv (HISTZ)
Hartford Small Cap Growth B (HSLBX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth C (HSLCX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth Fund Class A (HSLAX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth I (HSLIX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth R3 (HSLRX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth R4 (HSLSX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth R5 (HSLTX)
Hartford Small Cap Growth Y (HSLYX)
Hartford Small Company A (IHSAX)
Hartford Small Company B (HSCBX)
Hartford Small Company C (HSMCX)
Hartford Small Company HLS IA (HIASX)
Hartford Small Company I (IHSIX)
Hartford Small Company R3 (IHSRX)
Hartford Small Company R4 (IHSSX)
Hartford Small Company R5 (IHSUX)
Hartford Small Company Y (HSCYX)
Hartford SmallCap Growth HLS IA (HISCX)
HighMark Geneva Small Cap Growth Fund Class A (HGASX)
HighMark Geneva Small Cap Growth Fund Fiduciary Class (HGFSX)
ING SmallCap Opportunities A (NSP1Z)
ING SmallCap Opportunities A (NSPAX)
ING SmallCap Opportunities C (NSPCX)
ING SmallCap Opportunities I (NSPIX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth A (GTSSZ)
Invesco Small Cap Growth B (GTSBX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth C (GTSDX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth I (GTSVX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth Inv (GTSIX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth R (GTSRX)
Invesco Small Cap Growth Y (GTSYX)
IronBridge Frontegra Small Cap (IBSCX)
Ivy Micro Cap Growth Fund Class A (IGWAX)
Ivy Micro Cap Growth Fund Class I (IGWIX)
Ivy Micro Cap Growth Fund Class Y (IGWYX)
Ivy Small Cap Growth A (WSGAX)
Ivy Small Cap Growth C (WRGCX)
Ivy Small Cap Growth I (IYSIX)
Ivy Small Cap Growth R (WSGRX)
Ivy Small Cap Growth Y (WSCTZ)
Ivy Small Cap Growth Y (WSCYX)
Jacob Small Cap Growth (JSCGX)
Janus Triton Fund Class A (JGMAX)
Janus Triton Fund Class I (JSMGX)
Janus Triton Fund Class R (JGMRX)
Janus Triton Fund Class S (JGMIX)
Janus Triton T (JATTX)
Janus Venture T (JAVTX)
JHancock Small Cap Equity A (SPVAX)
JHancock Small Cap Equity B (SPV1Z)
JHancock Small Cap Equity C (SPVCX)
JHancock Small Cap Equity I (SPVIX)
JPMorgan Dynamic Small Cap Growth A (VSCOX)
JPMorgan Dynamic Small Cap Growth B (VSCBX)
JPMorgan Dynamic Small Cap Growth C (VSCCX)
JPMorgan Dynamic Small Cap Growth Sel (JDSCX)
Kalmar Growth-with-Value Small Cap (KGSCX)
Laudus Small-Cap MarketMasters Inv (SWOSX)
Laudus Small-Cap MarketMasters Select (SWMSX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Small Cap Gr A (SACSZ)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Small Cap Gr B (SBSMX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Small Cap Gr I (SBPYX)
Litman Gregory Masters Smlr Coms Instl (MSSFX)
LKCM Aquinas Small Cap (AQBLX)
LKCM Small Cap Equity Advisor (LKSAX)
LKCM Small Cap Equity Instl (LKSCX)
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Instl (LSSIX)
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Retail (LCGRX)
Loomis Sayles Small Cap Growth Retail (LSC2Z)
Lord Abbett Alpha Strategy A (ALFAX)
Lord Abbett Alpha Strategy B (ALFBX)
Lord Abbett Alpha Strategy C (ALFCX)
Lord Abbett Alpha Strategy I (ALFYX)
Lord Abbett Alpha Strategy R3 (ALFRX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth A (LAG3Z)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth A (LAGWX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth B (LADBX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth C (LADCX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth I (LADYX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth P (LAC1Z)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth P (LADPX)
Lord Abbett Developing Growth R3 (LADRX)
Lord Abbett Small Cap Blend A (LSBAX)
Lord Abbett Small Cap Blend B (LSBBX)
Lord Abbett Small Cap Blend C (LSBCX)
Lord Abbett Small Cap Blend I (LSBYX)
Managers AMG GW&K Small Cap Equity Fund Institutional Class (GWEIX)
Managers AMG GW&K Small Cap Equity Fund Service Class (GWESX)
Managers AMG GW&K Small Cap Equity Inv (GWETX)
Managers Frontier Small Cap Growth Inst (MSSYX)
Managers Frontier Small Cap Growth Inv (MSSVX)
Managers Frontier Small Cap Growth Svc (MSSCX)
Managers Micro-Cap Service (MMCFX)
Managers Special Equity I (MSEIX)
Managers Special Equity Managers (MGSEX)
MFS New Discovery A (MNDAX)
MFS New Discovery B (MNDBX)
MFS New Discovery C (MNDCX)
MFS New Discovery I (MNDIX)
MFS New Discovery R3 (MNDHX)
MFS New Discovery R4 (MNDJX)
Morgan Stanley Inst Small Company Gr I (MSSGX)
Morgan Stanley Inst Small Company Gr P (MSSMX)
Needham Aggressive Growth (NEAGX)
Needham Small Cap Growth (NESGX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth A (NSNAX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth Adv (NBMVX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth Instl (NBSMX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth Inv (NBMIX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth R3 (NSNRX)
Neuberger Berman Small Cap Growth Tr (NBMOX)
Nicholas Limited Edition I (NCLEX)
Nicholas Limited Edition N (NNLEX)
Northern Multi-Manager Small Cap (NMMSX)
Northern Small Cap Core (NSGRX)
Nuveen Small Cap Growth Opp A (FRMPX)
Nuveen Small Cap Growth Opp B (FROBX)
Nuveen Small Cap Growth Opp C (FMPCX)
Nuveen Small Cap Growth Opp I (FIMPX)
Nuveen Small Cap Select A (EMGRX)
Nuveen Small Cap Select B (ARSBX)
Nuveen Small Cap Select C (FHMCX)
Nuveen Small Cap Select I (ARSTX)
Oberweis Emerging Growth (OBEGX)
Oberweis Micro-Cap (OBM2Z)
Oberweis Micro-Cap (OBMCX)
Oberweis Small-Cap Opportunities (OBSOX)
Oppenheimer Discovery A (OPO1Z)
Oppenheimer Discovery A (OPO2Z)
Oppenheimer Discovery A (OPOCX)
Oppenheimer Discovery B (ODIBX)
Oppenheimer Discovery C (ODICX)
Oppenheimer Discovery N (ODINX)
Oppenheimer Discovery Y (ODIYX)
Pear Tree Columbia Small Cap Instl (QBNAX)
Pear Tree Columbia Small Cap Ord (USBNX)
Perimeter Small Cap Growth I (PSIGX)
Perimeter Small Cap Growth Inv (PSCGX)
Perkins Discovery (PDFDX)
PineBridge US Micro Cap Growth I (PBMBX)
PineBridge US Micro Cap Growth R (PBMRX)
PineBridge US Small Cap Growth I (PBSBX)
PineBridge US Small Cap Growth R (PBSRX)
Pioneer Growth Opportunities A (PGOFX)
Pioneer Growth Opportunities B (GOFBX)
Pioneer Growth Opportunities C (GOFCX)
Pioneer Growth Opportunities Fund Class R (PGRRX)
Pioneer Growth Opportunities Y (GROYX)
Pioneer Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth A (ORIGX)
Pioneer Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth A (ORISZ)
Pioneer Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth B (ORIBX)
Pioneer Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth C (ORICX)
Pioneer Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth Y (ORIYX)
PNC Multi Factor Small Cap Gr A (PLWAX)
PNC Multi Factor Small Cap Gr I (PLTIX)
PNC Small Cap I (PPCIX)
Praxis Small Cap A (MMSCX)
Praxis Small Cap I (MMSIX)
Principal SmallCap Growth I R3 (PPNMX)
ProFunds Small Cap Growth Inv (SGPIX)
ProFunds Small Cap Growth Svc (SGPSX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company A (PGOAX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company B (CHNDX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company C (PSCCX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company Fund Class Q (PJSQX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company L (JSL1Z)
Prudential Jennison Small Company R (JSCRX)
Prudential Jennison Small Company X (JOX1Z)
Prudential Jennison Small Company Z (PSCZX)
Putnam Small Cap Growth A (PNSAX)
Putnam Small Cap Growth B (PNSBX)
Putnam Small Cap Growth Fund Class C (PXC1Z)
Putnam Small Cap Growth M (PSGMX)
Putnam Small Cap Growth Y (PSYGX)
Pyxis Small-Cap Equity A (HSZAX)
Quaker Small-Cap Growth Tact Allc A (QGASX)
Quaker Small-Cap Growth Tact Allc Inst (QGISX)
Rice Hall James Micro Cap Instl (RHJSX)
Rice Hall James Small Cap Instl (RHJMX)
RidgeWorth Small Cap Growth Stock A (SCGIX)
RidgeWorth Small Cap Growth Stock C (SSCFX)
RidgeWorth Small Cap Growth Stock I (SSCTX)
River Oak Discovery (RIVSX)
RiverPark Small Cap Growth Fund Class Retail (RPSFX)
RiverPark Small Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class (RPSZX)
Roxbury Small Cap Growth Instl (RSCIX)
Royce 100 Invmt (ROHHX)
Royce 100 K (ROHKX)
Royce 100 R (ROHRX)
Royce 100 Svc (RYOHX)
Royce Heritage Invmt (RHFHX)
Royce Heritage K (RHFKX)
Royce Heritage R (RHFRX)
Royce Heritage Svc (RGFAX)
Royce Value Plus Instl (RVPIX)
Royce Value Plus Invmt (RVPHX)
Royce Value Plus K (RVPKX)
Royce Value Plus R (RVPRX)
Royce Value Plus Svc (RYVPX)
RS Small Cap Equity A (GPSCX)
RS Small Cap Equity Y (RSCYX)
RS Small Cap Growth A (RSEGX)
RS Small Cap Growth Y (RSYEX)
Russell Tax-Managed US Mid & Sm Cap C (RTSCX)
Russell Tax-Managed US Mid & Sm Cap S (RTSSX)
Russell Tax-Managed US Mid & Sm Cap S (RTSSZ)
Rydex S&P SmallCap 600 Pure Growth A (RYSGX)
Rydex S&P SmallCap 600 Pure Growth C (RYWCX)
Rydex S&P SmallCap 600 Pure Growth H (RYWAX)
Satuit Capital U.S. Emerging Companies (SATMX)
Schroder US Opportunities Adv (SCUVX)
Schroder US Opportunities Inv (SCUIX)
Scout Small Cap (UMBHX)
Sentinel Small Company A (SAGWX)
Sentinel Small Company C (SSCOX)
Sentinel Small Company I (SIGWX)
Stonebridge Inst Small-Cap Growth (SBSCX)
Stonebridge Small-Cap Growth (SBAGX)
SunAmerica Focused Small-Cap Growth B (NBSCX)
SunAmerica Focused Small-Cap Growth C (NCSCX)
T. Rowe Price Diversified Sm Cap Growth (PRDSX)
T. Rowe Price New Horizons (PRNHX)
TCM Small Cap Growth (TCMSX)
TCW Small Cap Growth I (TGSCX)
TCW Small Cap Growth N (TGSNX)
TimesSquare Small Cap Growth Instl (TSCIX)
TimesSquare Small Cap Growth Instl (TSS1Z)
TimesSquare Small Cap Growth Prem (TCC1Z)
TimesSquare Small Cap Growth Prem (TSCPX)
Tocqueville Opportunity (TOPPX)
Touchstone Diversified Small Cap Gr A (TDSAX)
Touchstone Diversified Small Cap Gr Y (TDSIX)
Touchstone Diversified Small Cap Gr Y (TDSSZ)
Turner Emerging Growth Instl (TMCOX)
Turner Emerging Growth Investor (TMCGX)
Turner Small Cap Growth (TSCEX)
UBS US Small Cap Growth Y (BISCX)
Undiscovered Mgrs Behavioral Growth A (UBGAX)
Undiscovered Mgrs Behavioral Growth C (UBGCX)
Undiscovered Mgrs Behavioral Growth Inst (UBRLX)
Undiscovered Mgrs Behavioral Growth Inv (UBRRX)
Vanguard Explorer Adm (VEXRX)
Vanguard Explorer Inv (VEXPX)
Vanguard Russell 2000 Growth Index Fund Institutional Shares (VRTGX)
Vanguard Small Cap Growth Index Instl (VSGIX)
Vanguard Small Cap Growth Index Inv (VISGX)
Virtus Quality Small-Cap A (PQSAX)
Virtus Quality Small-Cap C (PQSCX)
Virtus Quality Small-Cap I (PXQSX)
Virtus Small-Cap Core A (PKSAX)
Virtus Small-Cap Core C (PKSCX)
Virtus Small-Cap Core I (PKSFX)
Virtus Small-Cap Sustainable Growth A (PSGAX)
Virtus Small-Cap Sustainable Growth C (PSGCX)
Virtus Small-Cap Sustainable Growth I (PXSGX)
Waddell & Reed Small Cap A (UNSAX)
Walden Small Cap Innovations (WASOX)
Wasatch Core Growth (WGROX)
Wasatch Micro Cap (WMICX)
Wasatch Micro Cap Value (WAMVX)
Wasatch Small Cap Growth (WAAEX)
Wasatch Small Cap Value (WMCVX)
Wasatch Ultra Growth (WAMCX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Divers Sm Cp Adm (NVDSX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Emerging Gr A (WEMAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Emerging Gr Adm (WFGDX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Emerging Gr C (WEMCX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Emerging Gr Instl (WEMIX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Emerging Gr Inv (WFGTX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Small Co Gr Adm (NVSCX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Trdtl Sm Cp Gr A (EGWAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Trdtl Sm Cp Gr I (EGRYX)
William Blair Small Cap Growth I (WBCTZ)
William Blair Small Cap Growth I (WBSIX)
William Blair Small Cap Growth N (WBSNX)
Wilmington Small Cap Growth A (ARPAX)
Wilshire Small Company Growth Instl (WSMGX)
Wilshire Small Company Growth Invmt (DTSGX)
Winslow Green Growth Instl (WGGIX)
Winslow Green Growth Inv (WGGFX)