
SAIPX - Principal SAM Conservative Bal A

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Principal SAM Conservative Bal A (SAIPX)
Expense Ratio: 1.31%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $37,778.13

The Principal SAM Conservative Bal A fund (SAIPX) is a Conservative Allocation fund started on 07/24/1996 and has $1.00 billion in assets under management. The current manager has been running Principal SAM Conservative Bal A since 01/24/2010. The fund is rated by Morningstar. In addition to trading fees and broker commissions, this fund has 12b-1 fees of 0.25%

MarketRiders Prefers The Following ETF

iShares S&P Conservative Allocation (AOK)
Expense Ratio: 0.11%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $3,595.26

The iShares S&P Conservative Allocation (AOK) is an Exchange Traded Fund. It is a "basket" of securities that index the Conservative Allocation investment strategy and is an alternative to a Conservative Allocation mutual fund. Fees are very low compared to a comparable mutual fund like Principal SAM Conservative Bal A because computers automatically manage the stocks.

The Following Conservative Allocation Funds Have Lower Fees Than Principal SAM Conservative Bal A (SAIPX). Why are these metrics important?
Mutual Fund Name Ticker Symbol Turnover Assets (M) Annual Fees
AllianceBern Cnsrv Wlth Strat A ABPAX 4.0% 503 1.04%
AllianceBern Cnsrv Wlth Strat Adv ABPYX 4.0% 503 0.74%
AllianceBern Tx Mgd Bal Wlth St Adv AGIYX 41.0% 171 0.87%
American Century Investments Strategic Inflation Opportunities Fund Institutional Class ASINX 52.0% 112 0.99%
American Century Investments Strategic Inflation Opportunities Fund Investor Class ASIOX 52.0% 112 1.19%
American Century One Choice Cnsrv Inv AOCIX 10.0% 546 0.75%
American Century One Choice Vry CnsrvInv AONIX 17.0% 283 0.64%
American Century Strat Allc Cnsrv A ACCAX 78.0% 584 1.26%
American Century Strat Allc Cnsrv Instl ACCIX 78.0% 584 0.81%
American Century Strat Allc Cnsrv Inv TWSCX 78.0% 584 1.01%
Berwyn Income BERIX 71.0% 1,500 0.67%
BlackRock Multi-Asset Income Inst BIICX 11.0% 359 0.87%
BlackRock Multi-Asset Income Investor A BAISZ 11.0% 359 1.12%
Columbia Income Builder A RBBAX 31.0% 819 1.09%
Columbia Income Builder Fund Class R4 CIPRX 31.0% 819 1.03%
Columbia LifeGoal Income & Growth A NLGAX 55.0% 128 1.18%
Columbia LifeGoal Income & Growth Z NIPAX 55.0% 128 0.93%
Columbia Port Builder Conservative A ABDAX 88.0% 314 1.06%
Columbia Port Builder Mod Cnsrv A AUCAX 88.0% 543 1.08%
Columbia Portfolio Builder Conservative Fund Class R4 CPVRX 88.0% 314 0.98%
Columbia Portfolio Builder Moderate Conservative Fund Class R4 CBTRX 88.0% 543 1.00%
Delaware Foundation Cnsrv Allc A DFI1Z 211.0% 142 1.13%
Delaware Foundation Cnsrv Allc I DFIIX 211.0% 142 0.88%
Fairholme Focused Income FOCIX 91.7% 280 1.01%
Federated Capital Income A CAPAX 31.0% 386 0.90%
Federated Capital Income F CAPCZ 31.0% 386 0.90%
Federated Capital Income F CAPFX 31.0% 386 0.90%
Federated Muni and Stock Advantage A FMUAX 34.0% 451 1.00%
Fidelity Advisor Asset Manager 30% A FTSSZ 21.0% 349 0.91%
Fidelity Advisor Asset Manager 30% I FTINX 21.0% 349 0.64%
Fidelity Advisor Asset Manager 40% A FFNSZ 20.0% 309 0.91%
Fidelity Advisor Strategic Real Return A FSRAX 35.0% 1,300 1.04%
Fidelity Advisor Strategic Real Return I FSIRX 35.0% 1,300 0.85%
Fidelity Advisor Strategic Real Return T FSRTX 35.0% 1,300 1.05%
Fidelity Asset Manager 20% FASIX 19.0% 4,400 0.56%
Fidelity Asset Manager 30% FTANX 21.0% 349 0.62%
Fidelity Asset Manager 40% FFANX 20.0% 309 0.65%
Fidelity Strategic Real Return FSRRX 35.0% 1,300 0.76%
Fifth Third Strategic Inc A FFSAX 42.0% 258 0.99%
Fifth Third Strategic Inc Instl MXIIX 42.0% 258 0.74%
Franklin Income A FKI1Z 35.8% 61,800 0.63%
Franklin Income A FKINX 35.8% 61,800 0.63%
Franklin Income Adv FRIAX 35.8% 61,800 0.48%
Franklin Income B1 FICBX 35.8% 61,800 1.13%
Franklin Income R FISRX 35.8% 61,800 0.98%
Franklin Templeton Cnsrv Allocation A FTCCZ 18.7% 1,400 1.10%
Franklin Templeton Cnsrv Allocation A FTCIX 18.7% 1,400 1.10%
Franklin Templeton Cnsrv Allocation Adv FTCZX 18.7% 1,400 0.85%
Goldman Sachs Balanced A GSBFX 357.0% 121 1.05%
Goldman Sachs Balanced Instl GSBIX 357.0% 121 0.65%
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat A GIPAX 38.0% 576 1.26%
Goldman Sachs Balanced Strat Instl GIPIX 38.0% 576 0.86%
Hartford Balanced Income A HBLSZ 29.0% 1,400 0.89%
Hartford Balanced Income Fund Class I HBLIX 29.0% 1,400 0.64%
Hartford Balanced Income Fund Class R4 HBLSX 29.0% 1,400 0.84%
Hartford Conservative Allocation A HCVAX 41.0% 272 1.21%
Hartford Conservative Allocation I HCVIX 41.0% 272 0.93%
Hussman Strategic Total Return HSTRX 254.0% 2,600 0.72%
Invesco Conservative Allocation A CAAMX 27.0% 314 1.17%
Invesco Conservative Allocation I CMAIX 27.0% 314 0.85%
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow Fund Institutional Class GLRIX 36.0% 1,500 0.88%
James Balanced: Golden Rainbow R GLRBX 36.0% 1,500 1.13%
Janus Conservative Allocation Fund Class I JCAIX 12.0% 250 0.77%
Janus Conservative Allocation T JSPCX 12.0% 250 0.95%
JHancock2 Lifestyle Conservative A JALRX 15.0% 3,500 1.29%
JHancock2 Lifestyle Conservative R4 JSLCX 15.0% 3,500 1.24%
JPMorgan Investor Conservative Growth Fund Select Class ONCFX 3.0% 2,800 1.16%
Legg Mason Lifestyle Allocation 50% A SBBAX 31.0% 272 1.23%
Lord Abbett Div Income Strategy A ISFAX 46.5% 533 1.18%
Lord Abbett Div Income Strategy I ISFYX 46.5% 533 0.93%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Cnsrv Term I MNCIX 25.0% 1,200 0.70%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Cnsrv Term S EXDAX 25.0% 1,200 0.90%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Cnsrv Term S EXDTZ 25.0% 1,200 0.90%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Mod Term I MNMIX 52.0% 1,200 0.83%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Mod Term S EXBAX 52.0% 1,200 1.08%
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Mod Term S EXBTZ 52.0% 1,200 1.08%
MFS Conservative Allocation Fund Class A MACFX 12.0% 1,800 1.07%
MFS Diversified Income A DIFAX 64.0% 912 1.10%
MFS Diversified Income I DIFIX 64.0% 912 0.85%
MFS Diversified Income R3 DIFFX 64.0% 912 1.10%
MFS Diversified Income R4 DIFGX 64.0% 912 0.85%
Nationwide Inv Dest Cnsrv A NDCAX 17.3% 406 0.74%
Nationwide Inv Dest Cnsrv Svc NDCSX 17.3% 406 0.88%
Nationwide Inv Dest Mod Cnsrv A NADCX 17.9% 521 0.74%
Nationwide Inv Dest Mod Cnsrv Svc NSDCX 17.9% 521 0.87%
Nuveen Strategy Conservative Allc A FSF1Z 34.0% 134 1.16%
Nuveen Strategy Conservative Allc A FSFIX 34.0% 134 1.16%
Nuveen Strategy Conservative Allc I FSFYX 34.0% 134 0.91%
Oppenheimer Capital Income A OPE1Z 92.0% 1,500 0.98%
Oppenheimer Capital Income A OPE2Z 92.0% 1,500 0.98%
Oppenheimer Capital Income A OPPEX 92.0% 1,500 0.98%
Oppenheimer Conservative Inv A OACSZ 12.0% 441 1.00%
Oppenheimer Conservative Inv N ONCIX 12.0% 441 1.29%
Oppenheimer Conservative Inv Y OYCIX 12.0% 441 0.69%
Permanent Portfolio PRPFX 8.9% 17,000 0.71%
PL Portfolio Optimization Conservative Fund Class A POAAX 10.2% 403 1.23%
PL Portfolio Optimization Conservative Fund Class A POASZ 10.2% 403 1.23%
PL Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Fund Class A POBAX 9.5% 388 1.28%
Principal Global Div Inc A PGBAX 47.6% 3,900 1.16%
Principal Global Div Inc Instl PGDIX 47.6% 3,900 0.81%
Principal SAM Conservative Bal R5 PCBFX 21.4% 1,000 1.21%
Principal SAM Flexible Income R5 PFIFX 19.6% 1,300 1.20%
Putnam Absolute Return 500 A PJMDX 144.0% 803 1.17%
Putnam Absolute Return 500 Fund Class Y PJMYX 144.0% 803 0.92%
Putnam Absolute Return 700 Fund Class Y PDMYX 174.0% 686 1.12%
Putnam Dynamic Asset Allocation: Cnsrv A PACAX 288.0% 529 1.08%
Putnam Dynamic Asset Allocation: Cnsrv Y PACYX 288.0% 529 0.83%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat A RCLAX 19.0% 716 1.16%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat E RCLEX 19.0% 716 1.16%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat R1 RCLRX 19.0% 716 0.76%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat R2 RCLTX 19.0% 716 1.01%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat S RCLSX 19.0% 716 0.91%
Russell LifePoints Cnsrv Strat S RCLSZ 19.0% 716 0.91%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat A RML1Z 15.0% 1,100 1.24%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat E RMLEX 15.0% 1,100 1.24%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat R1 RMLRX 15.0% 1,100 0.84%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat R2 RMLTX 15.0% 1,100 1.09%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat S RMLSX 15.0% 1,100 0.99%
Russell LifePoints Mod Strat S RMLSZ 15.0% 1,100 0.99%
Schwab MarketTrack Conservative Investor SWCGX 30.0% 186 0.72%
Sentinel Conservative Strategies A SECMX 330.0% 201 1.13%
Sentinel Conservative Strategies A SECSZ 330.0% 201 1.13%
Sentinel Conservative Strategies Fund Class I SCSIX 330.0% 201 1.13%
T. Rowe Price Personal Strat Income PRSIX 56.3% 989 0.64%
Transamerica Asset Allc Cnsrv I TACIX 29.0% 1,200 1.06%
Vanguard LifeStrategy Cnsrv Gr Inv VSCGX 46.0% 6,800 0.15%
Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Inv VASIX 43.0% 2,600 0.13%
Vanguard Tax-Managed Balanced Adm VTMFX 12.0% 892 0.12%
Vanguard Wellesley Income Adm VWIAX 48.0% 29,300 0.18%
Vanguard Wellesley Income Inv VWINX 48.0% 29,300 0.25%
Wells Fargo Advantage Divers Inc Bldr A EKSAX 65.0% 352 1.08%
Wells Fargo Advantage Divers Inc Bldr I EKSYX 65.0% 352 0.70%
Wells Fargo Advantage Mod Balanced A WFMAX 70.0% 186 1.15%
Wells Fargo Advantage Mod Balanced Adm NVMBX 70.0% 186 0.90%
Westwood Income Opportunity A WWIAX 26.0% 715 1.17%
Westwood Income Opportunity Instl WHGIX 26.0% 715 0.92%

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Why Are These Metrics Important?

Turnover represents how much of a mutual fund's holdings are changed over the course of a year through buying and selling. Active mutual funds have an average turnover rate of about 85%, meaning that funds are turning over nearly all of their holdings every year. A high turnover means you could make lower returns because: 1) buying and selling stocks costs money through commissions and spreads and 2) the fund will distribute yearly capital gains which increases your taxes. Look for funds with turnover rates below 50%. For comparison, ETF turnover rates average around 10% or lower.

Generally, smaller funds do better than larger ones. The more assets in a mutual fund, the lower the chance that it will beat its index. Managers outperform an index by choosing stocks that are undervalued. In order to find these undervalued stocks, the manager has to know more than his competitors to develop an "edge." There are only a finite number of stocks a mutual fund manager can reasonably analyze and actively track to gain such a competitive edge. When the fund has more assets, the manager must analyze large companies because he needs to take larger positions. Large companies are more efficiently priced in the market and it becomes increasingly difficult to get an edge.