
LCTRX - Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares

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Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares (LCTRX)
Expense Ratio: 1.95%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $52,664.54

The Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares fund (LCTRX) is a Intermediate-Term Bond fund started on 07/30/2010 and has $13.90 million in assets under management. The current manager has been running Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares since 08/20/2010. The fund is rated by Morningstar. In addition to trading fees and broker commissions, this fund has 12b-1 fees of 0.50%

MarketRiders Prefers The Following ETF

Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (BIV)
Expense Ratio: 0.11%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $3,595.26

The Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (BIV) is an Exchange Traded Fund. It is a "basket" of securities that index the Intermediate-Term Bond investment strategy and is an alternative to a Intermediate-Term Bond mutual fund. Fees are very low compared to a comparable mutual fund like Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares because computers automatically manage the stocks.

The Following Intermediate-Term Bond Funds Have Lower Fees Than Leader Total Return Fund Investor Shares (LCTRX). Why are these metrics important?
Mutual Fund Name Ticker Symbol Turnover Assets (M) Annual Fees
AllianceBern Interm Bond A ABQSZ 115.0% 548 0.85%
AllianceBern Interm Bond Adv ABQYX 115.0% 548 0.55%
AllianceBern Interm Bond B ABQBX 115.0% 548 1.55%
AllianceBern Interm Bond C ABQCX 115.0% 548 1.55%
AllianceBern Interm Bond I ABQIX 115.0% 548 0.55%
American Beacon Intermediate Bd Instl AABDX 75.0% 419 0.36%
American Beacon Intermediate Bond Fund Class Y ACTYX 75.0% 419 0.65%
American Beacon Intermediate Bond Fund Investor Class ABIPX 75.0% 419 0.79%
American Century Core Plus A ACCQX 91.0% 250 0.91%
American Century Core Plus Instl ACCUX 91.0% 250 0.46%
American Century Core Plus Inv ACCNX 91.0% 250 0.66%
American Century Core Plus R ACCPX 91.0% 250 1.16%
American Century Diversified Bond A ADFAX 91.0% 5,500 0.86%
American Century Diversified Bond B CDBBX 91.0% 5,500 1.61%
American Century Diversified Bond C CDB1Z 91.0% 5,500 1.61%
American Century Diversified Bond Instl ACBPX 91.0% 5,500 0.41%
American Century Diversified Bond Inv ADFIX 91.0% 5,500 0.61%
American Century Diversified Bond R ADVRX 91.0% 5,500 1.11%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer A ABNDX 154.0% 33,500 0.60%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer B BFABX 154.0% 33,500 1.36%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer C BFACX 154.0% 33,500 1.40%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer F-1 BFAFX 154.0% 33,500 0.63%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer F-2 ABNFX 154.0% 33,500 0.36%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R1 RBFAX 154.0% 33,500 1.38%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R2 RBFBX 154.0% 33,500 1.39%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R3 RBFCX 154.0% 33,500 0.94%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R4 RBFEX 154.0% 33,500 0.62%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R5 RBFFX 154.0% 33,500 0.32%
American Funds Bond Fund of Amer R6 RBFGX 154.0% 33,500 0.27%
Artio Total Return Bond A BJBGX 219.0% 2,100 0.69%
Artio Total Return Bond I JBGIX 219.0% 2,100 0.44%
Ave Maria Bond AVEFX 27.0% 100 0.71%
Baird Aggregate Bond Inst BAGIX 45.9% 1,600 0.30%
Baird Aggregate Bond Inv BAGSX 45.9% 1,600 0.55%
Baird Core Plus Bond Inst BCOIX 34.6% 1,700 0.30%
Baird Core Plus Bond Inv BCOSX 34.6% 1,700 0.55%
Baird Intermediate Bond Inst BIMIX 24.1% 763 0.30%
Baird Intermediate Bond Inv BIMSX 24.1% 763 0.55%
BBH Broad Market N BBBMX 28.0% 2,600 0.51%
Bernstein Intermediate Dur Inst SIIDX 121.0% 1,100 0.45%
Bernstein Intermediate Duration SNIDX 110.0% 4,900 0.56%
BlackRock Bond Allc Tgt Shares Ser C BRACX 41.0% 349 0.00%
BlackRock Bond Allc Tgt Shares Ser M BRAMX 523.0% 321 0.03%
BlackRock Bond Allc Tgt Shares Ser S BRASX 192.0% 134 0.01%
BlackRock Bond Index K WFBIX 122.0% 145 0.20%
BlackRock Core Bond BlackRock CCBBX 726.0% 3,200 0.45%
BlackRock Core Bond Instl BFMCX 726.0% 3,200 0.56%
BlackRock Core Bond Inv A BCBAX 726.0% 3,200 0.89%
BlackRock Core Bond Inv B BCIBX 726.0% 3,200 1.73%
BlackRock Core Bond Inv C BCBCX 726.0% 3,200 1.66%
BlackRock Core Bond R BCBRX 726.0% 3,200 1.17%
BlackRock Core Bond Service CMCBX 726.0% 3,200 0.93%
BlackRock Total Return BlackRock MPHQX 1.0% 2,800 0.41%
BlackRock Total Return Instl MAHSZ 1.0% 2,800 0.56%
BlackRock Total Return Inv A MDHQX 1.0% 2,800 0.87%
BlackRock Total Return Inv C MFHQX 1.0% 2,800 1.66%
BlackRock Total Return Inv C1 MCHQX 1.0% 2,800 1.43%
BNY Mellon Bond M MPBFX 86.8% 1,300 0.55%
BNY Mellon Interm Bond M MPIBX 45.2% 967 0.55%
BNY Mellon Intermediate Bond Inv MIIDX 45.2% 967 0.80%
Brown Advisory Intermediate Income A BIATX 84.0% 315 0.73%
Brown Advisory Intermediate Income Instl BIAIX 84.0% 315 0.53%
Calamos Total Return Bond A CTRAX 41.5% 231 0.90%
Calamos Total Return Bond I CTRIX 41.5% 231 0.65%
Calvert Bond A CSIBX 203.0% 768 1.13%
Calvert Bond C CSBCX 203.0% 768 1.93%
Calvert Bond I CBDIX 203.0% 768 0.52%
Calvert Income A CFICX 223.0% 1,600 1.25%
Calvert Income C CIFCX 223.0% 1,600 1.94%
Calvert Income I CINCX 223.0% 1,600 0.56%
Calvert Income Y CIFYX 223.0% 1,600 0.87%
Columbia Bond A CNDAX 136.0% 1,600 0.80%
Columbia Bond Fund Class B CNDBX 136.0% 1,600 1.55%
Columbia Bond Fund Class T CNDTX 136.0% 1,600 0.70%
Columbia Bond Z UMMGX 136.0% 1,600 0.55%
Columbia Corporate Income A LIIAX 183.0% 1,400 0.92%
Columbia Corporate Income A LIITZ 183.0% 1,400 0.92%
Columbia Corporate Income B CIOBX 183.0% 1,400 1.67%
Columbia Corporate Income C CIOCX 183.0% 1,400 1.67%
Columbia Corporate Income Z SRINX 183.0% 1,400 0.67%
Columbia Corporate Income Z SRITZ 183.0% 1,400 0.67%
Columbia Corporate Income Z SRN1Z 183.0% 1,400 0.67%
Columbia Diversified Bond A INBNX 373.0% 3,100 0.85%
Columbia Diversified Bond B ININX 373.0% 3,100 1.60%
Columbia Diversified Bond C AXBCX 373.0% 3,100 1.60%
Columbia Diversified Bond Fund Class R CABRX 373.0% 3,100 1.10%
Columbia Diversified Bond R3 RSDBX 373.0% 3,100 1.04%
Columbia Diversified Bond R5 RSVBX 373.0% 3,100 0.54%
Columbia Intermediate Bond A LIBAX 170.0% 2,900 0.84%
Columbia Intermediate Bond B LIBBX 170.0% 2,900 1.59%
Columbia Intermediate Bond C LIBCX 170.0% 2,900 1.59%
Columbia Intermediate Bond Z SRB1Z 170.0% 2,900 0.59%
Columbia Intermediate Bond Z SRBFX 170.0% 2,900 0.59%
Columbia Intermediate Bond Z SRBTZ 170.0% 2,900 0.59%
Commerce Bond CFBNX 26.0% 744 0.81%
CRA Qualified Investment CRA CRAIX 40.0% 1,300 0.96%
CRA Qualified Investment Instl CRANX 40.0% 1,300 0.51%
CRA Qualified Investment Retail CRATX 40.0% 1,300 0.86%
Delaware Core Plus Bond A DEGGX 293.0% 201 0.90%
Delaware Core Plus Bond B DEGBX 293.0% 201 1.65%
Delaware Core Plus Bond C DUGCX 293.0% 201 1.65%
Delaware Core Plus Bond I DUGIX 293.0% 201 0.65%
Delaware Corporate Bond A DGCAX 204.0% 1,300 0.94%
Delaware Corporate Bond B DGCBX 204.0% 1,300 1.69%
Delaware Corporate Bond C DGCCX 204.0% 1,300 1.69%
Delaware Corporate Bond Inst DGCIX 204.0% 1,300 0.69%
Delaware Corporate Bond R DGCRX 204.0% 1,300 1.19%
Delaware Diversified Income A DPDFX 237.0% 9,100 0.92%
Delaware Diversified Income B DPBFX 237.0% 9,100 1.67%
Delaware Diversified Income C DPCFX 237.0% 9,100 1.67%
Delaware Diversified Income Instl DPFFX 237.0% 9,100 0.67%
Delaware Diversified Income R DPRFX 237.0% 9,100 1.17%
DFA Intermediate-Term Extended Quality Portfolio Institutional Class Shares DFTEX 15.0% 635 0.22%
Dodge & Cox Income DODIX 27.0% 25,100 0.43%
Dodge & Cox Income DODTZ 27.0% 25,100 0.43%
Domini Social Bond Inv DSBFX 151.0% 136 0.95%
DoubleLine Core Fixed Income Fund Class I DBLFX 81.0% 2,400 0.50%
DoubleLine Core Fixed Income Fund Class N DLFNX 81.0% 2,400 0.75%
DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund Class I DBLTX 15.0% 25,400 0.50%
DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund Class N DLTNX 15.0% 25,400 0.75%
Dreyfus Bond Market Index Basic DBIRX 30.0% 2,400 0.15%
Dreyfus Bond Market Index Inv DBMIX 30.0% 2,400 0.40%
Dreyfus GNMA Fund Class A GPG1Z 392.4% 685 1.03%
Dreyfus GNMA Fund Class A GPGAX 392.4% 685 1.03%
Dreyfus GNMA Z DRGMX 392.4% 685 0.87%
Dreyfus Intermediate Term Inc C DTECX 371.2% 1,100 1.59%
Dreyfus Intermediate Term Inc I DITIX 371.2% 1,100 0.55%
Dreyfus Intermediate Term Income Fund Class A DRA1Z 371.2% 1,100 0.88%
Dreyfus Intermediate Term Income Fund Class A DRITX 371.2% 1,100 0.88%
Dreyfus/Standish Fixed-Income I SDFIX 400.3% 222 0.56%
DWS Core Fixed Income A SFXAX 384.0% 389 0.96%
DWS Core Fixed Income B SFXBX 384.0% 389 1.71%
DWS Core Fixed Income C SFXCX 384.0% 389 1.71%
DWS Core Fixed Income Inst MFINX 384.0% 389 0.68%
DWS Core Fixed Income S SFXSX 384.0% 389 0.78%
DWS Core Plus Income A SZI1Z 379.0% 309 0.96%
DWS Core Plus Income A SZIAX 379.0% 309 0.96%
DWS Core Plus Income B SZIBX 379.0% 309 1.71%
DWS Core Plus Income C SZICX 379.0% 309 1.71%
DWS Core Plus Income Inst SZIIX 379.0% 309 0.70%
DWS Core Plus Income S SCS1Z 379.0% 309 0.71%
DWS Core Plus Income S SCSBX 379.0% 309 0.71%
DWS US Bond Index A BONDX 146.0% 413 0.71%
DWS US Bond Index Inst BTUSX 146.0% 413 0.39%
DWS US Bond Index S BONSX 146.0% 413 0.45%
Eagle Investment Grade Bond A EGBAX 78.0% 129 0.85%
Eagle Investment Grade Bond I EGBLX 78.0% 129 0.60%
Eagle Investment Grade Bond R3 EGBRX 78.0% 129 1.15%
Eagle Investment Grade Bond R5 EGBTX 78.0% 129 0.60%
Federated Bond A FDBAX 13.0% 1,500 0.99%
Federated Bond B FDBBX 13.0% 1,500 1.80%
Federated Bond C FBB1Z 13.0% 1,500 1.80%
Federated Bond C FDBCX 13.0% 1,500 1.80%
Federated Bond F ISHIX 13.0% 1,500 1.03%
Federated Bond Instl FDBIX 13.0% 1,500 0.80%
Federated Intermediate Corp Bd Instl FIIFX 22.0% 425 0.57%
Federated Intermediate Corp Bd Svc INISX 22.0% 425 0.82%
Federated Total Return Bond A TLR1Z 63.0% 7,400 0.91%
Federated Total Return Bond A TLRAX 63.0% 7,400 0.91%
Federated Total Return Bond C TLRCX 63.0% 7,400 1.46%
Federated Total Return Bond Instl FTRBX 63.0% 7,400 0.36%
Federated Total Return Bond R FTRKX 63.0% 7,400 1.11%
Federated Total Return Bond Svc FTRFX 63.0% 7,400 0.66%
Fidelity Advisor Corporate Bond Fund Class T FCBTX 242.0% 359 0.75%
Fidelity Advisor Intermediate Bond A FDIAX 108.0% 623 0.83%
Fidelity Advisor Intermediate Bond B FIBBX 108.0% 623 1.55%
Fidelity Advisor Intermediate Bond C FNBCX 108.0% 623 1.56%
Fidelity Advisor Intermediate Bond I EFIPX 108.0% 623 0.58%
Fidelity Advisor Intermediate Bond T FTBRX 108.0% 623 0.80%
Fidelity Advisor Investment Gr Bd B FGBBX 275.0% 5,000 1.51%
Fidelity Advisor Investment Gr Bd C FGBCX 275.0% 5,000 1.53%
Fidelity Advisor Investment Gr Bd I FGBPX 275.0% 5,000 0.48%
Fidelity Advisor Mortgage Securities B FMSBX 490.0% 885 1.50%
Fidelity Advisor Mortgage Securities C FOMCX 490.0% 885 1.53%
Fidelity Advisor Mortgage Securities I FMSCX 490.0% 885 0.53%
Fidelity Advisor Mortgage Securities T FMSAX 490.0% 885 0.79%
Fidelity Advisor Total Bond A FEPAX 168.0% 14,300 0.83%
Fidelity Advisor Total Bond B FBEPX 168.0% 14,300 1.52%
Fidelity Advisor Total Bond C FCEPX 168.0% 14,300 1.51%
Fidelity Advisor Total Bond I FEPIX 168.0% 14,300 0.54%
Fidelity Corporate Bond Fund FCBFX 242.0% 359 0.45%
Fidelity Intermediate Bond FTHRX 102.0% 4,200 0.45%
Fidelity Investment Grade Bond FBNDX 275.0% 5,000 0.45%
Fidelity Mortgage Secs FMSFX 490.0% 885 0.45%
Fidelity Spartan US Bond Index Fund Fidelity Advantage Class FSITX 106.0% 14,800 0.11%
Fidelity Total Bond FTBFX 168.0% 14,300 0.45%
Fifth Third Total Return Bond A KIFIX 60.0% 222 0.89%
Fifth Third Total Return Bond Instl KNIIX 60.0% 222 0.64%
Franklin Strategic Mortgage A1 FSMTZ 539.8% 118 0.66%
Franklin Total Return A FBNSZ 255.6% 4,600 0.89%
Franklin Total Return A FKBAX 255.6% 4,600 0.89%
Franklin Total Return Adv FBDAX 255.6% 4,600 0.64%
Franklin Total Return B FBTLX 255.6% 4,600 1.29%
Franklin Total Return C FCTLX 255.6% 4,600 1.29%
Franklin Total Return R FTRRX 255.6% 4,600 1.14%
Frost Total Return Bond A FATRX 58.0% 763 0.77%
Frost Total Return Bond Inst FIJEX 58.0% 763 0.52%
GE Instl Income Inv GFIIX 393.0% 405 0.23%
GE Instl Income Svc GEISX 393.0% 405 0.48%
Goldman Sachs Core Fxd-Inc A GCFIX 687.0% 1,600 0.81%
Goldman Sachs Core Fxd-Inc B GCFBX 687.0% 1,600 1.56%
Goldman Sachs Core Fxd-Inc C GCFCX 687.0% 1,600 1.56%
Goldman Sachs Core Fxd-Inc Instl GSFIX 687.0% 1,600 0.47%
Goldman Sachs Core Fxd-Inc Svc GSCSX 687.0% 1,600 0.97%
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income A GSFAX 767.0% 350 0.83%
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income B GSFBX 767.0% 350 1.58%
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income C GSFCX 767.0% 350 1.58%
Goldman Sachs Core Plus Fixed Income I GSNIX 767.0% 350 0.49%
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit A GSGAX 120.0% 549 0.71%
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit A GSHSZ 120.0% 549 0.71%
Goldman Sachs Invest Grade Credit Inst GSGDX 120.0% 549 0.37%
Guggenheim US Intermediate Bond A SIUSX 43.0% 138 1.00%
Guggenheim US Intermediate Bond C SDICX 43.0% 138 1.75%
Hancock Horizon Core Bond A HHBAX 26.0% 208 1.04%
Hancock Horizon Core Bond Instl HHBTX 26.0% 208 0.79%
Harbor Bond Adm HRBDX 666.0% 7,500 0.80%
Harbor Bond Instl HABDX 666.0% 7,500 0.55%
Hartford Total Return Bond A ITB1Z 131.0% 1,900 0.89%
Hartford Total Return Bond A ITBAX 131.0% 1,900 0.89%
Hartford Total Return Bond B ITBBX 131.0% 1,900 1.64%
Hartford Total Return Bond C HABCX 131.0% 1,900 1.63%
Hartford Total Return Bond I ITBIX 131.0% 1,900 0.62%
Hartford Total Return Bond R3 ITBRX 131.0% 1,900 1.19%
Hartford Total Return Bond R4 ITBUX 131.0% 1,900 0.89%
Hartford Total Return Bond R5 ITBTX 131.0% 1,900 0.59%
Hartford Total Return Bond Y HABYX 131.0% 1,900 0.48%
Hartford Unconstrained Bond A HTIAX 207.0% 171 0.99%
Hartford Unconstrained Bond B HTIBX 207.0% 171 1.74%
Hartford Unconstrained Bond C HTICX 207.0% 171 1.74%
HighMark Bond Fid HMBDX 58.0% 393 0.72%
HighMark Bond Retail A HMRBX 58.0% 393 0.97%
HighMark Bond Retail B HBDBX 58.0% 393 1.65%
Huntington Fixed-Income Securities A HFIIX 35.0% 312 1.30%
Huntington Fixed-Income Securities Trust HFISX 35.0% 312 1.05%
ICON Bond Fund Class A IOBAX 32.1% 100 1.01%
ICON Bond S IOBZX 32.1% 100 0.75%
ING Intermediate Bond A IIBAX 500.0% 861 0.68%
ING Intermediate Bond A IIBCZ 500.0% 861 0.68%
ING Intermediate Bond B IIBBX 500.0% 861 1.43%
ING Intermediate Bond C IICCX 500.0% 861 1.43%
ING Intermediate Bond I IICIX 500.0% 861 0.38%
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond A ACCSZ 69.0% 972 0.92%
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond B ACCDX 69.0% 972 0.92%
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond C ACCEX 69.0% 972 1.48%
Invesco Van Kampen Corporate Bond Y ACCHX 69.0% 972 0.67%
ISI North American Government Bond A NOASZ 46.0% 165 1.18%
ISI North American Government Bond C NORCX 46.0% 165 1.78%
ISI North American Government Bond Fund Class I NORIX 46.0% 165 0.78%
Ivy Bond A IBOAX 309.0% 529 1.14%
Ivy Bond A IBOSZ 309.0% 529 1.14%
Ivy Bond C IBO1Z 309.0% 529 1.85%
Janus Flexible Bond Fund Class A JDFAX 147.0% 5,100 0.77%
Janus Flexible Bond Fund Class C JFICX 147.0% 5,100 1.52%
Janus Flexible Bond Fund Class I JFLEX 147.0% 5,100 0.56%
Janus Flexible Bond Fund Class S JADFX 147.0% 5,100 0.96%
Janus Flexible Bond T JAFIX 147.0% 5,100 0.71%
JHancock Bond A JHNBX 73.0% 1,300 1.00%
JHancock Bond B JHBBX 73.0% 1,300 1.70%
JHancock Bond C JHCBX 73.0% 1,300 1.70%
JHancock Bond I JHBIX 73.0% 1,300 0.60%
JHancock Investment Grade Bond A TAUSX 105.0% 203 0.98%
JHancock Investment Grade Bond B TSUSX 105.0% 203 1.73%
JHancock Investment Grade Bond C TCUSX 105.0% 203 1.73%
JPMorgan Mortgage-Backed Securities A OMBAX 21.0% 3,500 0.66%
JPMorgan Mortgage-Backed Securities Sel OMBIX 21.0% 3,500 0.41%
Legg Mason WA Core Bond A TRBAX 226.0% 323 1.00%
Legg Mason WA Core Bond B TRBBX 226.0% 323 1.61%
Legg Mason WA Core Plus Bond A SHMGX 190.0% 202 1.01%
Legg Mason WA Core Plus Bond B MGVBX 190.0% 202 1.57%
Legg Mason WA Core Plus Bond C SMGLX 190.0% 202 1.51%
LKCM Fixed-Income LKFIX 24.0% 197 0.65%
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond A NEFRX 86.0% 1,100 0.87%
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond B NERBX 86.0% 1,100 1.62%
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond C NECRX 86.0% 1,100 1.62%
Loomis Sayles Core Plus Bond Y NERYX 86.0% 1,100 0.62%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond A LIGRX 19.0% 11,100 0.81%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond A LIGSZ 19.0% 11,100 0.81%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond Adm LIGAX 19.0% 11,100 1.07%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond B LGBBX 19.0% 11,100 1.56%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond C LGBCX 19.0% 11,100 1.56%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond Y LSIIX 19.0% 11,100 0.56%
Loomis Sayles Investment Grade Bond Y LSNTZ 19.0% 11,100 0.56%
Lord Abbett Core Fixed Income A LCASZ 668.7% 1,000 0.87%
Lord Abbett Core Fixed Income A LCRAX 668.7% 1,000 0.87%
Lord Abbett Core Fixed Income B LCRBX 668.7% 1,000 1.67%
Lord Abbett Core Fixed Income C LCRCX 668.7% 1,000 1.55%
Lord Abbett Core Fixed Income I LCRYX 668.7% 1,000 0.67%
Lord Abbett Income A LAGCZ 149.3% 1,600 0.78%
Lord Abbett Income B LAVBX 149.3% 1,600 1.58%
Lord Abbett Income C LAUSX 149.3% 1,600 1.46%
Lord Abbett Income I LAUYX 149.3% 1,600 0.58%
Lord Abbett Total Return A LTRAX 645.0% 1,900 0.83%
Lord Abbett Total Return B LTRBX 645.0% 1,900 1.63%
Lord Abbett Total Return C LTRCX 645.0% 1,900 1.48%
Lord Abbett Total Return I LTRYX 645.0% 1,900 0.63%
Madison Mosaic Institutional Bond Y MIIBX 9.0% 109 0.49%
MainStay Indexed Bond A MIXAX 106.0% 497 0.78%
MainStay Indexed Bond I MIXIX 106.0% 497 0.43%
MainStay Indexed Bond I MIXSZ 106.0% 497 0.43%
MainStay Intermediate Term Bond A MTMAX 104.0% 781 0.93%
MainStay Intermediate Term Bond I MTMIX 104.0% 781 0.60%
Managers Bond MGFIX 17.0% 2,300 1.01%
Managers Fixed Income A MFDAX 28.0% 143 0.85%
Managers Fixed Income B MFDBX 28.0% 143 1.60%
Managers Fixed Income C MFDCX 28.0% 143 1.60%
Managers Fixed Income Inst MFDYX 28.0% 143 0.60%
Managers PIMCO Bond MBDFX 495.0% 1,300 0.59%
Manning & Napier Core Bond Fund EXCRX 18.0% 170 0.72%
Manning & Napier Core Plus Bond Fund EXCPX 35.0% 603 0.76%
MEMBERS Bond Y MBOYX 12.0% 145 0.65%
Metropolitan West Intermediate Bond I MWIIX 145.0% 290 0.45%
Metropolitan West Intermediate Bond M MWIMX 145.0% 290 0.66%
Metropolitan West Total Return Bond I MWTIX 156.0% 20,500 0.43%
Metropolitan West Total Return Bond M MWTRX 156.0% 20,500 0.64%
MFS Bond A MFB1Z 58.0% 2,400 0.85%
MFS Bond A MFBFX 58.0% 2,400 0.85%
MFS Bond B MFBBX 58.0% 2,400 1.60%
MFS Bond I MBDIX 58.0% 2,400 0.60%
MFS Bond R3 MFBHX 58.0% 2,400 0.85%
MFS Bond R4 MFBJX 58.0% 2,400 0.60%
MFS Research Bond A MRB1Z 67.0% 3,300 0.80%
MFS Research Bond A MRBFX 67.0% 3,300 0.80%
MFS Research Bond B MRBBX 67.0% 3,300 1.60%
MFS Research Bond C MRBCX 67.0% 3,300 1.65%
MFS Research Bond I MRBIX 67.0% 3,300 0.65%
MFS Research Bond R3 MRBHX 67.0% 3,300 0.90%
MFS Research Bond R4 MRBJX 67.0% 3,300 0.65%
Morgan Stanley Inst Core Plus FI Instl MPFIX 225.0% 253 0.66%
Morgan Stanley Inst Core Plus FI P MFXAX 225.0% 253 0.91%
Munder Bond A MUCAX 258.0% 112 0.67%
Munder Bond B MUCBX 258.0% 112 1.42%
Munder Bond C MUCCX 258.0% 112 1.42%
Munder Bond Y MUCYX 258.0% 112 0.42%
Nationwide Bond Index A GBIAX 118.0% 1,400 0.68%
Neuberger Berman Core Bond A NCRAX 379.0% 262 0.87%
Neuberger Berman Core Bond Inst NCRLX 379.0% 262 0.47%
Neuberger Berman Core Bond Inv NCRIX 379.0% 262 0.87%
Northern Bond Index NOBOX 129.3% 2,400 0.16%
Northern Fixed Income NOFIX 700.0% 1,600 0.46%
Nuveen Core Plus Bond A FAFIX 91.0% 817 0.78%
Nuveen Core Plus Bond B FFIBX 91.0% 817 1.53%
Nuveen Core Plus Bond C FFAIX 91.0% 817 1.53%
Nuveen Core Plus Bond I FFIIX 91.0% 817 0.53%
Nuveen Intermediate Term Bond A FAIIX 58.0% 656 0.78%
Nuveen Intermediate Term Bond I FINIX 58.0% 656 0.53%
Nuveen Strategic Income A FCDDX 98.0% 621 0.86%
Nuveen Strategic Income B FCBBX 98.0% 621 1.61%
Nuveen Strategic Income C FCBCX 98.0% 621 1.61%
Nuveen Strategic Income I FCBYX 98.0% 621 0.61%
Oppenheimer Core Bond A OPI1Z 94.0% 1,200 0.90%
Oppenheimer Core Bond A OPI2Z 94.0% 1,200 0.90%
Oppenheimer Core Bond A OPIGX 94.0% 1,200 0.90%
Oppenheimer Core Bond B OIGBX 94.0% 1,200 1.65%
Oppenheimer Core Bond C OPBCX 94.0% 1,200 1.65%
Oppenheimer Core Bond N OPBNX 94.0% 1,200 1.15%
Oppenheimer Core Bond Y OPBYX 94.0% 1,200 0.52%
Parnassus Fixed-Income PRFIX 29.3% 222 0.75%
Payden Core Bond PYC1Z 118.0% 623 0.56%
Payden Core Bond PYCBX 118.0% 623 0.56%
Payden Core Bond Adviser PYCWX 118.0% 623 0.81%
PIMCO Fundamental Advantage Total Return Strategy Fund Class P PFAPX 629.0% 1,200 0.99%
PIMCO Fundamental Advtg Ttl Ret Strat A PTFTZ 629.0% 1,200 1.29%
PIMCO Fundamental Advtg Ttl Ret Strat D PFSDX 629.0% 1,200 1.29%
PIMCO Fundamental Advtg Ttl Ret Strat I PFATX 629.0% 1,200 0.89%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd A PBDTZ 124.0% 7,700 0.90%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd Admin PGCAX 124.0% 7,700 0.75%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd C PBDCX 124.0% 7,700 1.65%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd D PBDDX 124.0% 7,700 0.90%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd Instl PIGIX 124.0% 7,700 0.50%
PIMCO Investment Grade Corp Bd P PBDPX 124.0% 7,700 0.60%
PIMCO Moderate Duration Instl PMDRX 391.0% 2,600 0.46%
PIMCO Moderate Duration P PMOPX 391.0% 2,600 0.56%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities A PMRAX 1.0% 536 0.90%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities A PMRTZ 1.0% 536 0.90%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities Adm PMTAX 1.0% 536 0.75%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities B PMRBX 1.0% 536 1.65%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities C PMRCX 1.0% 536 1.65%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities D PTMDX 1.0% 536 0.90%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities Instl PTRIX 1.0% 536 0.50%
PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities P PMRPX 1.0% 536 0.60%
PIMCO Total Return A PTRTZ 584.0% 260,900 0.85%
PIMCO Total Return A PTTAX 584.0% 260,900 0.85%
PIMCO Total Return Admin PTRAX 584.0% 260,900 0.71%
PIMCO Total Return B PTTBX 584.0% 260,900 1.60%
PIMCO Total Return C PTTCX 584.0% 260,900 1.60%
PIMCO Total Return D PTTDX 584.0% 260,900 0.75%
PIMCO Total Return Fund IV Institutional Class PTUIX 771.0% 725 0.50%
PIMCO Total Return II Admin PRADX 647.0% 3,300 0.75%
PIMCO Total Return II Instl PMBIX 647.0% 3,300 0.50%
PIMCO Total Return II P PMTPX 647.0% 3,300 0.60%
PIMCO Total Return III Admin PRFAX 522.0% 3,800 0.75%
PIMCO Total Return III Fund Class P PRAPX 522.0% 3,800 0.60%
PIMCO Total Return III Instl PTSAX 522.0% 3,800 0.50%
PIMCO Total Return Instl PTTRX 584.0% 260,900 0.46%
PIMCO Total Return P PTTPX 584.0% 260,900 0.56%
PIMCO Total Return R PTRRX 584.0% 260,900 1.10%
Pioneer Bond A PIBSZ 36.0% 1,400 0.85%
Pioneer Bond A PIOBX 36.0% 1,400 0.85%
Pioneer Bond B PBOBX 36.0% 1,400 1.90%
Pioneer Bond C PCYBX 36.0% 1,400 1.73%
Pioneer Bond R PBFRX 36.0% 1,400 1.24%
Pioneer Bond Y PICYX 36.0% 1,400 0.61%
PNC Bond A PAAAX 80.0% 187 0.87%
PNC Bond I PFDIX 80.0% 187 0.59%
PNC Intermediate Bond A PBFAX 80.0% 404 0.81%
PNC Intermediate Bond C PIBCX 80.0% 404 1.53%
PNC Total Return Bond I PTVIX 76.0% 270 0.58%
Praxis Intermediate Income A MIIAX 36.1% 343 0.98%
Principal Bond & Mtg Securities A PRBDX 265.5% 2,100 0.94%
Principal Bond & Mtg Securities B PROBX 265.5% 2,100 1.60%
Principal Bond & Mtg Securities C PBMCX 265.5% 2,100 1.75%
Principal Income A CMP1Z 16.9% 2,100 0.90%
Principal Income B CMIBX 16.9% 2,100 1.78%
Principal Income C CNMCX 16.9% 2,100 1.68%
Principal Income Inst PIOIX 16.9% 2,100 0.52%
Principal Preferred Securities A PPASZ 16.8% 3,800 1.11%
Principal Preferred Securities C PRFCX 16.8% 3,800 1.85%
Principal Preferred Securities Inst PPSIX 16.8% 3,800 0.76%
Principal Preferred Securities P PPSPX 16.8% 3,800 0.76%
Prudential Total Return Bond A PDBAX 242.0% 1,900 0.85%
Prudential Total Return Bond B PRDBX 242.0% 1,900 1.60%
Prudential Total Return Bond C PDBCX 242.0% 1,900 1.60%
Prudential Total Return Bond L DTRLX 242.0% 1,900 1.10%
Prudential Total Return Bond X DTX1Z 242.0% 1,900 1.60%
Prudential Total Return Bond Z PDBZX 242.0% 1,900 0.60%
Putnam Income A PINCX 339.0% 1,400 0.87%
Putnam Income B PNCBX 339.0% 1,400 1.62%
Putnam Income C PUICX 339.0% 1,400 1.62%
Putnam Income M PNCMX 339.0% 1,400 1.12%
Putnam Income R PIFRX 339.0% 1,400 1.12%
Putnam Income Y PNCYX 339.0% 1,400 0.62%
Rainier Intermediate Fixed-Income Portfolio Fund RIMFX 32.7% 106 0.55%
RidgeWorth Core Bond Fund A STGIX 211.0% 489 0.62%
RidgeWorth Core Bond Fund I STIGX 211.0% 489 0.35%
RidgeWorth Core Bond Fund R SCIGX 211.0% 489 0.95%
RidgeWorth Intermediate Bond A IBASX 139.0% 1,200 0.60%
RidgeWorth Intermediate Bond I SAMIX 139.0% 1,200 0.34%
RidgeWorth Intermediate Bond R IBLSX 139.0% 1,200 1.10%
RidgeWorth Total Return Bond A CBPSX 170.0% 1,200 0.60%
RidgeWorth Total Return Bond I SAMFX 170.0% 1,200 0.35%
RidgeWorth Total Return Bond R SCBLX 170.0% 1,200 0.91%
Rochdale Intermediate Fixed Income RIMCX 58.4% 110 1.15%
RS Investment Quality Bond A GUIQX 113.0% 213 0.85%
RS Investment Quality Bond Fund Class Y RSQYX 113.0% 213 0.66%
Russell Investment Grade Bond E RFAEX 187.0% 1,900 0.77%
Russell Investment Grade Bond I RFASX 187.0% 1,900 0.48%
Russell Investment Grade Bond I RFASZ 187.0% 1,900 0.48%
Russell Investment Grade Bond S RFATX 187.0% 1,900 0.56%
Russell Investment Grade Bond S RFATZ 187.0% 1,900 0.56%
Russell Strategic Bond A RFDAX 233.0% 8,300 1.02%
Russell Strategic Bond C RFCCX 233.0% 8,300 1.77%
Russell Strategic Bond E RFCEX 233.0% 8,300 1.00%
Russell Strategic Bond I RFCSX 233.0% 8,300 0.71%
Russell Strategic Bond I RFCSZ 233.0% 8,300 0.71%
Russell Strategic Bond S RFCTX 233.0% 8,300 0.77%
Russell Strategic Bond S RFCTZ 233.0% 8,300 0.77%
Schwab Premier Income SWIIX 294.0% 424 0.61%
Schwab Total Bond Market SWLBX 166.0% 973 0.29%
Scout Core Bond Fund Class Y SCCYX 564.0% 168 0.80%
Scout Core Bond I SCCIX 564.0% 168 0.40%
Scout Core Plus Bond Instl SCPZX 623.0% 454 0.40%
Scout Core Plus Bond Y SCPYX 623.0% 454 0.80%
Spartan U.S. Bond Index Investor FBIDX 106.0% 14,800 0.22%
Sterling Capital Total Return Bond A BICAX 131.9% 557 0.84%
Sterling Capital Total Return Bond I BIBTX 131.9% 557 0.59%
SunAmerica 2015 High Watermark A HWFAX 0.0% 135 1.40%
T. Rowe Price Instl Core Plus TICPX 121.5% 188 0.42%
T. Rowe Price Instl Core Plus F PFCPX 121.5% 188 0.57%
T. Rowe Price New Income PRCIX 110.7% 17,500 0.64%
T. Rowe Price New Income Adv PANIX 110.7% 17,500 0.88%
T. Rowe Price New Income R RRNIX 110.7% 17,500 1.16%
T. Rowe Price U.S. Bond Enhanced Index PBDIX 112.8% 1,000 0.30%
Target Total Return Bond T TATBX 243.0% 426 0.65%
TCW Core Fixed-Income I TGCFX 280.5% 856 0.44%
TCW Core Fixed-Income N TGFNX 280.5% 856 0.78%
TCW Total Return Bond I TGLMX 141.3% 5,800 0.44%
TCW Total Return Bond N TGMNX 141.3% 5,800 0.74%
TIAA-CREF Bond Instl TIBDX 402.0% 2,300 0.33%
TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Inst TIBFX 221.0% 1,100 0.35%
TIAA-CREF Bond Plus R TCBRX 221.0% 1,100 0.60%
TIAA-CREF Bond Plus Retail TCBPX 221.0% 1,100 0.59%
TIAA-CREF Bond R TIDRX 402.0% 2,300 0.58%
TIAA-CREF Bond Retail TIORX 402.0% 2,300 0.52%
Touchstone Core Bond A TOBAX 319.0% 122 0.84%
Touchstone Core Bond C TODCX 319.0% 122 1.59%
Vanguard Interm-Term Bond Index Inv VBIIX 61.0% 15,600 0.22%
Vanguard Interm-Term Bond Index Signal VIBSX 61.0% 15,600 0.11%
Vanguard Interm-Term Investment-Grade Ad VFIDX 49.0% 17,400 0.10%
Vanguard Interm-Term Invmt-Grade Inv VFICX 49.0% 17,400 0.20%
Vanguard Interm-Tm Corp Bd Idx Signal VICSX 80.0% 2,400 0.14%
Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Sec Idx Signal VMBSX 344.0% 209 0.15%
Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx Instl Pls VBMPX 73.0% 110,100 0.05%
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Inst VBTIX 73.0% 110,100 0.07%
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Inv VBMFX 73.0% 110,100 0.22%
Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Signal VBTSX 73.0% 110,100 0.10%
Virtus Bond A SAVAX 169.0% 163 1.04%
Virtus Bond A SAVSZ 169.0% 163 1.04%
Virtus Bond B SAVBX 169.0% 163 1.79%
Virtus Bond C SAVCX 169.0% 163 1.79%
Virtus Bond I SAVYX 169.0% 163 0.79%
Waddell & Reed Bond A UNBDX 61.0% 1,600 0.98%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus A STYAX 215.0% 737 0.89%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus B STYBX 215.0% 737 1.64%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus C WFIPX 215.0% 737 1.64%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus Fund Administrator Class WIPDX 215.0% 737 0.74%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus I WIP2Z 215.0% 737 0.56%
Wells Fargo Advantage Income Plus Inv WIPNX 215.0% 737 0.92%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bd Inv WTRZX 761.0% 3,400 0.86%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bond A MBFAX 761.0% 3,400 0.83%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bond Ad MNTRX 761.0% 3,400 0.70%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bond B MBFBX 761.0% 3,400 1.58%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bond C MBFCX 761.0% 3,400 1.58%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ttl Return Bond I MBFIX 761.0% 3,400 0.42%
Westcore Plus Bond WTIBX 42.0% 1,700 0.55%
Westcore Plus Bond Institutional WIIBX 42.0% 1,700 0.41%
Western Asset Core Bond FI WAPIX 556.0% 3,000 0.75%
Western Asset Core Bond I WATFX 556.0% 3,000 0.52%
Western Asset Core Plus Bond FI WACIX 734.0% 9,400 0.78%
Western Asset Core Plus Bond I WACPX 734.0% 9,400 0.45%
Western Asset Core Plus Bond IS WAPSX 734.0% 9,400 0.43%
William Blair Bond I WBFIX 28.0% 266 0.50%
William Blair Bond Inst BBFIX 28.0% 266 0.35%
William Blair Bond N WBBNX 28.0% 266 0.65%

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Why Are These Metrics Important?

Turnover represents how much of a mutual fund's holdings are changed over the course of a year through buying and selling. Active mutual funds have an average turnover rate of about 85%, meaning that funds are turning over nearly all of their holdings every year. A high turnover means you could make lower returns because: 1) buying and selling stocks costs money through commissions and spreads and 2) the fund will distribute yearly capital gains which increases your taxes. Look for funds with turnover rates below 50%. For comparison, ETF turnover rates average around 10% or lower.

Generally, smaller funds do better than larger ones. The more assets in a mutual fund, the lower the chance that it will beat its index. Managers outperform an index by choosing stocks that are undervalued. In order to find these undervalued stocks, the manager has to know more than his competitors to develop an "edge." There are only a finite number of stocks a mutual fund manager can reasonably analyze and actively track to gain such a competitive edge. When the fund has more assets, the manager must analyze large companies because he needs to take larger positions. Large companies are more efficiently priced in the market and it becomes increasingly difficult to get an edge.