
GSTCX - Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C

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Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C (GSTCX)
Expense Ratio: 1.13%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $33,198.95

The Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C fund (GSTCX) is a Muni National Short fund started on 08/15/1997 and has $3.40 billion in assets under management. The current manager has been running Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C since 01/23/2003. The fund is rated by Morningstar. In addition to trading fees and broker commissions, this fund has 12b-1 fees of 1.00%

MarketRiders Prefers The Following ETF

SPDR Barclays Capital Short Term Muni Bd (SHM)
Expense Ratio: 0.20%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $6,475.12

The SPDR Barclays Capital Short Term Muni Bd (SHM) is an Exchange Traded Fund. It is a "basket" of securities that index the Muni National Short investment strategy and is an alternative to a Muni National Short mutual fund. Fees are very low compared to a comparable mutual fund like Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C because computers automatically manage the stocks.

The Following Muni National Short Funds Have Lower Fees Than Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F C (GSTCX). Why are these metrics important?
Mutual Fund Name Ticker Symbol Turnover Assets (M) Annual Fees
AllianceBern Interm Divers Muni A AIDAX 18.0% 5,700 0.79%
Alpine Ultra Short Tax Optimized Inc A ATOAX 174.0% 1,800 0.88%
Alpine Ultra Shrt Tx Optimized Inc Instl ATOIX 174.0% 1,800 0.63%
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund Class A AST1Z 12.0% 617 0.60%
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund Class F-1 FSTTX 12.0% 617 0.79%
American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund Class F-2 ASTFX 12.0% 617 0.55%
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal BR MPLMX 44.0% 1,000 0.40%
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Instl MALMX 44.0% 1,000 0.49%
BlackRock Short-Term Municipal Inv A MELSZ 44.0% 1,000 0.67%
BNY Mellon Natl Short Term Muni Bd Inv MINSX 24.3% 1,100 0.77%
BNY Mellon Natl Short Term Muni Bd M MPSTX 24.3% 1,100 0.51%
Columbia Short Term Muni Bond A NSMMX 39.0% 2,200 0.72%
Columbia Short Term Muni Bond Z NSMIX 39.0% 2,200 0.47%
DFA Short Term Municipal Bond I DFSMX 13.0% 1,500 0.23%
Dreyfus Short-Interm Muni Bond D DSIBX 31.0% 575 0.70%
Dreyfus Short-Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund Class A DMBAX 31.0% 575 0.84%
DWS Short-Term Muni Bond A SRMAX 26.0% 608 0.75%
DWS Short-Term Muni Bond Inst MGSMX 26.0% 608 0.50%
DWS Short-Term Muni Bond S SRMSX 26.0% 608 0.60%
Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Bond Strategies Short Term Fund Class A EABSX 80.0% 1,100 0.89%
Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Bond Strategies Short Term Fund Class I EIBSX 80.0% 1,100 0.64%
Federated Municipal Ultrashort A FMUUX 92.0% 3,700 0.80%
Federated Municipal Ultrashort Instl FMUSX 92.0% 3,700 0.35%
Federated Short-Intermediate Duration Municipal Trust Class A Shares FMTAX 37.0% 801 0.97%
Federated Shrt-Interm Dur Muni Instl FSHIX 37.0% 801 0.47%
Federated Shrt-Interm Dur Muni Svc FSHSX 37.0% 801 0.71%
Fidelity Advisor Sh Interm Muni Inc A FASHX 22.0% 4,300 0.77%
Fidelity Advisor Sh Interm Muni Inc I FISHX 22.0% 4,300 0.52%
Fidelity Short-Intermediate Muni Income FSTFX 22.0% 4,300 0.48%
Franklin Federal Limited-Term T/F Inc A FFTFX 5.7% 787 0.60%
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F A GSDTX 24.0% 3,400 0.73%
Goldman Sachs Short Dur T/F Instl GSDUX 24.0% 3,400 0.39%
JPMorgan Short-Intermediate Municipal Bond Fund Institutional Class JIMIX 43.0% 1,100 0.26%
JPMorgan Shrt-Interm Muni Bond A OOS1Z 43.0% 1,100 0.76%
JPMorgan Shrt-Interm Muni Bond A OSTAX 43.0% 1,100 0.76%
JPMorgan Shrt-Interm Muni Bond Sel PGUIX 43.0% 1,100 0.51%
Legg Mason WA Short Duration Muni Inc A SHDCZ 21.0% 2,000 0.65%
Legg Mason WA Short Duration Muni Inc C SHDLX 21.0% 2,000 1.02%
Legg Mason WA Short Duration Muni Inc I SMDYX 21.0% 2,000 0.52%
Lord Abbett Short Duration Tax Free A LSDSZ 52.5% 2,300 0.61%
Lord Abbett Short Duration Tax Free I LISDX 52.5% 2,300 0.41%
MFS Municipal Limited Maturity Fund Class I MTLIX 9.0% 941 0.55%
Northern Short-Intermediate Tax-Exempt NSITX 16.5% 1,100 0.46%
Northern Tax-Advantaged U/S Fxd Inc NTAUX 116.9% 1,400 0.25%
Nuveen Limited-Term Municipal Bond A FLTDX 13.0% 3,000 0.68%
Nuveen Limited-Term Municipal Bond C FLTCX 13.0% 3,000 1.03%
Nuveen Limited-Term Municipal Bond I FLTRX 13.0% 3,000 0.48%
Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond A FSHAX 21.0% 357 0.71%
Nuveen Short Term Municipal Bond I FSHYX 21.0% 357 0.51%
Oppenheimer Rochester Short Term Municipal Fund Class Y ORSYX 5.0% 118 0.58%
PIMCO Short-Duration Muni Income A PSDTZ 29.0% 385 0.73%
PIMCO Short-Duration Muni Income C PSDCX 29.0% 385 1.03%
PIMCO Short-Duration Muni Income D PSDDX 29.0% 385 0.73%
PIMCO Short-Duration Muni Income Inst PSDIX 29.0% 385 0.33%
SEI Tax-Exempt Short Duration Muni A SUMAX 69.0% 735 0.63%
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Shrt-Interm PRFSX 23.3% 1,800 0.49%
Thornburg Limited-Term Muni A LTD1Z 16.2% 5,300 0.74%
Thornburg Limited-Term Muni A LTMFX 16.2% 5,300 0.74%
Thornburg Limited-Term Muni C LTMCX 16.2% 5,300 1.00%
Thornburg Limited-Term Muni Inst LTMIX 16.2% 5,300 0.40%
Vanguard Ltd-Term Tx-Ex VMLTX 14.0% 15,900 0.20%
Vanguard Ltd-Term Tx-Ex Adm VMLUX 14.0% 15,900 0.12%
Vanguard Short-Term Tx-Ex VWSTX 28.0% 11,500 0.20%
Vanguard Short-Term Tx-Ex Adm VWSUX 28.0% 11,500 0.12%
Wells Fargo Advantage S/T Muni Bd A WSMAX 75.0% 4,800 0.60%
Wells Fargo Advantage S/T Muni Bd Inst WSBIX 75.0% 4,800 0.40%
Wells Fargo Advantage S/T Muni Bd Inv STSMX 75.0% 4,800 0.63%
Wells Fargo Advantage Short-Term Municipal Bond Fund Administartor Class WSTMX 75.0% 4,800 0.60%
Wells Fargo Advantage Strat Muni Bd A VMPAX 12.0% 1,100 0.84%
Wells Fargo Advantage Strat Muni Bd Adm VMPYX 12.0% 1,100 0.68%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ult S/T Mun In Inv SMUAX 127.0% 7,600 0.70%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ult S/T Mun Inc A SMAVX 127.0% 7,600 0.67%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ult S/T Mun Inc I SMAIX 127.0% 7,600 0.37%
Wells Fargo Advantage Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund Administrator Class WUSMX 127.0% 7,600 0.60%

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Why Are These Metrics Important?

Turnover represents how much of a mutual fund's holdings are changed over the course of a year through buying and selling. Active mutual funds have an average turnover rate of about 85%, meaning that funds are turning over nearly all of their holdings every year. A high turnover means you could make lower returns because: 1) buying and selling stocks costs money through commissions and spreads and 2) the fund will distribute yearly capital gains which increases your taxes. Look for funds with turnover rates below 50%. For comparison, ETF turnover rates average around 10% or lower.

Generally, smaller funds do better than larger ones. The more assets in a mutual fund, the lower the chance that it will beat its index. Managers outperform an index by choosing stocks that are undervalued. In order to find these undervalued stocks, the manager has to know more than his competitors to develop an "edge." There are only a finite number of stocks a mutual fund manager can reasonably analyze and actively track to gain such a competitive edge. When the fund has more assets, the manager must analyze large companies because he needs to take larger positions. Large companies are more efficiently priced in the market and it becomes increasingly difficult to get an edge.