
ACAZX - Alger Capital Appreciation Z

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Alger Capital Appreciation Z (ACAZX)
Expense Ratio: 0.97%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $28,974.81

The Alger Capital Appreciation Z fund (ACAZX) is a Large Growth fund started on 12/29/2010 and has $1.10 billion in assets under management. The current manager has been running Alger Capital Appreciation Z since 10/22/2004. The fund is rated by Morningstar. This fund does not charge 12b-1 fees.

MarketRiders Prefers The Following ETF

Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG)
Expense Ratio: 0.10%
Expected Lifetime Fees: $3,271.86

The Vanguard Growth ETF (VUG) is an Exchange Traded Fund. It is a "basket" of securities that index the Large Growth investment strategy and is an alternative to a Large Growth mutual fund. Fees are very low compared to a comparable mutual fund like Alger Capital Appreciation Z because computers automatically manage the stocks.

The Following Large Growth Funds Have Lower Fees Than Alger Capital Appreciation Z (ACAZX). Why are these metrics important?
Mutual Fund Name Ticker Symbol Turnover Assets (M) Annual Fees
Alger Large Cap Growth Portfolio Class I-2 AAGOX 53.3% 301 0.85%
AllianceBern Large Cap Growth I ALLIX 158.0% 1,600 0.94%
Allianz AGIC Growth Instl PGFIX 92.0% 600 0.81%
Allianz RCM Large-Cap Growth Instl DRLCX 69.0% 390 0.76%
American Century Growth Instl TWGIX 79.0% 8,800 0.78%
American Century Select Instl TWSIX 17.0% 1,900 0.80%
American Century Ultra Inst TWUIX 13.0% 6,100 0.79%
American Funds AMCAP A AMCPX 31.0% 23,200 0.73%
American Funds AMCAP F-1 AMPFX 31.0% 23,200 0.73%
American Funds AMCAP F-2 AMCFX 31.0% 23,200 0.49%
American Funds AMCAP R4 RAFEX 31.0% 23,200 0.73%
American Funds AMCAP R5 RAFFX 31.0% 23,200 0.43%
American Funds AMCAP R6 RAFGX 31.0% 23,200 0.39%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer A AGTHX 34.0% 114,400 0.68%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer F-1 GFAFX 34.0% 114,400 0.67%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer F-2 GFFFX 34.0% 114,400 0.43%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer R4 RGAEX 34.0% 114,400 0.68%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer R5 RGAFX 34.0% 114,400 0.38%
American Funds Growth Fund of Amer R6 RGAGX 34.0% 114,400 0.33%
American Funds New Economy A ANEFX 45.0% 7,200 0.85%
American Funds New Economy F-1 ANFFX 45.0% 7,200 0.85%
American Funds New Economy F-2 NEFFX 45.0% 7,200 0.59%
American Funds New Economy R4 RNGEX 45.0% 7,200 0.85%
American Funds New Economy R5 RNGFX 45.0% 7,200 0.54%
American Funds New Economy R6 RNGGX 45.0% 7,200 0.49%
AQR Momentum Fund Class L AMOMX 162.0% 427 0.50%
ASTON/Montag & Caldwell Growth I MCGIX 63.5% 3,700 0.82%
BlackRock Capital Appreciation BlackRock BFGBX 79.0% 5,000 0.72%
BlackRock Capital Appreciation BlackRock BFGSZ 79.0% 5,000 0.72%
BlackRock Capital Appreciation Fund Institutional Shares MAFGX 79.0% 5,000 0.78%
BlackRock Large Cap Growth Instl MALHX 169.0% 1,000 0.96%
Brown Advisory Growth Equity Instl BIAGX 30.0% 902 0.94%
Calvert Equity I CEYIX 41.0% 2,300 0.69%
Calvert Equity Y CIEYX 41.0% 2,300 0.86%
Calvert Social Index A CSXAX 8.0% 131 0.75%
Calvert Social Index I CISIX 8.0% 131 0.21%
Chase Growth Institutional CHAIX 82.4% 151 0.93%
Columbia Large Cap Growth Fund Class R5 CLWFX 116.0% 2,500 0.78%
Columbia Large Cap Growth Z GEGSZ 116.0% 2,500 0.92%
Columbia Large Cap Growth Z GEGTX 116.0% 2,500 0.92%
Columbia Select Large Cap Growth Z UMLGX 53.0% 5,100 0.94%
Davis Opportunity Y DGOYX 53.0% 414 0.77%
Delaware US Growth Instl DEUIX 25.0% 825 0.85%
Dreyfus Research Growth I DWOIX 88.1% 949 0.88%
Dreyfus Research Growth Z DREQX 88.1% 949 0.88%
DWS Capital Growth Inst SDGTX 48.0% 1,400 0.70%
DWS Capital Growth S SCCSZ 48.0% 1,400 0.77%
DWS Capital Growth S SCGSX 48.0% 1,400 0.77%
Eagle Capital Appreciation I HRCIX 37.0% 341 0.90%
Eagle Capital Appreciation R5 HRCMX 37.0% 341 0.93%
Fidelity FFIDX 88.0% 5,000 0.59%
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development A FDTTX 118.0% 2,500 0.95%
Fidelity Advisor Capital Development I FDEIX 118.0% 2,500 0.88%
Fidelity Advisor Equity Growth I EQPGX 70.0% 3,000 0.80%
Fidelity Advisor Growth Opportunities I FAGCX 31.0% 1,800 0.72%
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap Growth I FLNOX 108.0% 160 0.83%
Fidelity Advisor New Insights I FINSX 58.0% 18,900 0.81%
Fidelity Blue Chip Growth FBGRX 132.0% 14,300 0.94%
Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX 55.0% 79,500 0.81%
Fidelity Export & Multinational FEXPX 109.0% 1,900 0.83%
Fidelity Fifty FFTYX 257.0% 655 0.71%
Fidelity Focused Stock FTQGX 277.0% 475 0.93%
Fidelity Growth Company FDGRX 36.0% 40,600 0.84%
Fidelity Growth Discovery FDSVX 72.0% 1,000 0.63%
Fidelity Independence FDFFX 93.0% 3,400 0.70%
Fidelity Large Cap Growth FSLGX 108.0% 160 0.88%
Fidelity Large Cap Growth Enhanced Index FLGEX 77.0% 149 0.47%
Fidelity Magellan FMAGX 99.0% 14,500 0.55%
Fidelity OTC FOCPX 158.0% 7,300 0.94%
Fidelity Stock Selector All Cap FDSSX 9.0% 2,300 0.80%
Fidelity Trend FTRNX 82.0% 1,100 0.90%
Franklin DynaTech Fund Advisor Class FDYZX 30.1% 1,200 0.72%
Franklin Flex Cap Growth Adv FKCAX 51.3% 3,400 0.73%
Franklin Growth A FGR1Z 2.7% 5,800 0.93%
Franklin Growth A FKGRX 2.7% 5,800 0.93%
Franklin Growth Adv FCGAX 2.7% 5,800 0.68%
Frost Growth Equity Inst FICEX 38.0% 333 0.83%
GE Instl Premier Growth Equity Inv GEIPX 26.0% 236 0.38%
GE Instl Premier Growth Equity Svc GEPSX 26.0% 236 0.63%
GE Instl US Equity Inv GUSIX 44.0% 617 0.37%
GE Instl US Equity Svc GUSSX 44.0% 617 0.62%
Glenmede Strategic Equity GTCEX 51.0% 165 0.88%
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth Instl GSPIX 58.0% 846 0.74%
Goldman Sachs Capital Growth IR GSPTX 58.0% 846 0.89%
Goldman Sachs Concentrated Growth I GCRIX 35.0% 179 0.86%
Goldman Sachs Strategic Growth Instl GSTIX 35.0% 462 0.75%
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr A GLCGX 76.0% 587 0.95%
Goldman Sachs Struct Large Cap Gr I GLCSZ 76.0% 587 0.55%
Harbor Capital Appreciation Adm HRCAX 53.0% 15,300 0.92%
Harbor Capital Appreciation Instl HACAX 53.0% 15,300 0.67%
Hartford Fundamental Growth Fund Class R5 HFFTX 95.0% 124 0.90%
Hartford Growth I HGWJX 47.0% 714 0.95%
Hartford Growth Opportunities I HGOIX 121.0% 1,900 0.92%
Hartford Growth Opportunities R5 HGOTX 121.0% 1,900 0.85%
Hartford Growth Opportunities Y HGOYX 121.0% 1,900 0.76%
Hartford Growth R5 HGWUX 47.0% 714 0.90%
Hartford Growth Y HGWYX 47.0% 714 0.79%
INTECH U.S. Growth A JDRAX 96.0% 297 0.87%
INTECH U.S. Growth Fund Class T JDRTX 96.0% 297 0.79%
INTECH U.S. Growth Instl JRMGX 96.0% 297 0.64%
Ivy Large Cap Growth I IYGIX 57.0% 1,400 0.88%
Janus Aspen Forty Instl JACAX 46.0% 959 0.71%
Janus Forty Fund Class T JACTX 51.0% 3,600 0.93%
Janus Forty I JCAPX 51.0% 3,600 0.75%
Janus Fund Class I JGROX 90.0% 7,800 0.73%
Janus Growth & Income Fund Class A JDNAX 65.0% 3,400 0.95%
Janus Growth & Income Fund Class I JGINX 65.0% 3,400 0.70%
Janus Growth & Income T JAGIX 65.0% 3,400 0.90%
Janus Research Fund Class A JRAAX 88.0% 3,200 0.91%
Janus Research Fund Class I JRAIX 88.0% 3,200 0.68%
Janus Research T JAMRX 88.0% 3,200 0.88%
Janus T JANSX 90.0% 7,800 0.90%
Janus Twenty T JAVLX 56.0% 8,000 0.94%
Jensen Quality Growth I JENIX 7.0% 3,800 0.60%
Jensen Quality Growth J JENSX 7.0% 3,800 0.92%
JHancock Large Cap Equity I JLVIX 59.0% 1,500 0.79%
JHancock US Global Leaders Gr I USLIX 50.0% 535 0.93%
JHancock3 Rainier Growth I RLGIX 90.0% 1,200 0.87%
Laudus Growth Investors US Large Cap Gr LGILX 96.0% 1,100 0.78%
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt Growth I LMGNX 54.0% 158 0.90%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Aggressive Gr I SAGYX 6.0% 5,000 0.84%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Aggressive Gr IS LSIFX 6.0% 5,000 0.74%
LKCM Equity Instl LKEQX 20.0% 123 0.81%
Loomis Sayles Growth Y LGR1Z 16.0% 129 0.89%
Loomis Sayles Growth Y LSGRX 16.0% 129 0.89%
MainStay Large Cap Growth I MLAIX 52.0% 16,300 0.82%
MainStay Large Cap Growth R1 MLRRX 52.0% 16,300 0.92%
MEMBERS Large Cap Growth Y MYLGX 77.0% 125 0.95%
MFS Growth I MFEIX 80.0% 4,500 0.93%
MFS Growth R4 MFEJX 80.0% 4,500 0.93%
MFS Massachusetts Investors Gr Stk A MFS1Z 28.0% 3,200 0.81%
MFS Massachusetts Investors Gr Stk A MIGFX 28.0% 3,200 0.81%
MFS Massachusetts Investors Gr Stk I MGTIX 28.0% 3,200 0.56%
MFS Massachusetts Investors Gr Stk R3 MIGHX 28.0% 3,200 0.81%
MFS Massachusetts Investors Gr Stk R4 MIGKX 28.0% 3,200 0.56%
Morgan Stanley Focus Growth A AMOAX 32.0% 1,500 0.96%
Morgan Stanley Focus Growth I AMODX 32.0% 1,500 0.71%
Morgan Stanley Inst Opportunity I MGEIX 21.0% 242 0.88%
Morgan Stanley Institutional Growth I MSEQX 26.0% 837 0.71%
Nationwide Growth A NMFAX 178.8% 146 0.81%
Neuberger Berman Guardian Inst NGDLX 32.0% 1,100 0.75%
Neuberger Berman Guardian Inv NGUAX 32.0% 1,100 0.92%
Neuberger Berman LgCp Discp Gr Instl NLDLX 101.0% 562 0.75%
Neuberger Berman Socially Resp Inst NBSLX 20.0% 1,800 0.74%
Neuberger Berman Socially Resp Inv NBSRX 20.0% 1,800 0.90%
Nuveen Large Cap Growth Opp I FIGWX 88.0% 559 0.96%
Nuveen Winslow Large-Cap Growth Fund Class I NVLIX 47.0% 926 0.80%
Oppenheimer Capital Appreciation Y OTCYX 30.0% 4,600 0.72%
Oppenheimer Equity A OEQ1Z 50.0% 1,400 0.95%
Oppenheimer Equity A OEQ2Z 50.0% 1,400 0.95%
Oppenheimer Equity A OEQAX 50.0% 1,400 0.95%
Oppenheimer Equity Y OEQYX 50.0% 1,400 0.81%
Parnassus PARNX 74.4% 356 0.94%
Pioneer Fundamental Growth Y FUNYX 16.0% 789 0.78%
Pioneer Independence Y INYDX 71.0% 780 0.86%
PRIMECAP Odyssey Growth POGRX 12.6% 2,000 0.67%
PRIMECAP Odyssey Stock POSKX 24.3% 1,300 0.67%
Principal Large Cap Growth Inst PGLIX 64.8% 2,300 0.65%
Principal Large Cap Growth R5 PDPPX 64.8% 2,300 0.90%
Prudential Jennison 20/20 Focus Z PTWZX 82.0% 2,400 0.89%
Prudential Jennison Blend Z PEQZX 143.0% 952 0.70%
Prudential Jennison Growth Z PJFZX 63.0% 2,200 0.78%
Putnam Voyager Y PVYYX 176.0% 3,600 0.92%
Pyxis Premier Growth Equity Y HPEYX 23.0% 151 0.86%
Pyxis U.S Equity A HUEAX 40.0% 158 0.86%
Pyxis U.S Equity Y HUEYX 40.0% 158 0.61%
Rainier Large Cap Equity Instl RAIEX 85.7% 791 0.90%
RS Capital Appreciation Fund Class Y RCAYX 47.0% 111 0.82%
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth TRBCX 44.2% 13,600 0.77%
T. Rowe Price Growth & Income PRGIX 9.0% 1,100 0.71%
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock PRGFX 29.5% 27,700 0.70%
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Adv TRSAX 29.5% 27,700 0.93%
T. Rowe Price Instl Large Cap Core Gr TPLGX 36.6% 346 0.65%
T. Rowe Price Instl Large Cap Growth TRLGX 57.6% 5,000 0.57%
T. Rowe Price New America Growth PRWAX 32.1% 3,300 0.81%
TCW Select Equities I TGCEX 28.1% 932 0.92%
TCW Select Equities I TGCTZ 28.1% 932 0.92%
TIAA-CREF Enh Lg Cp Gr Idx Inst TLIIX 121.0% 950 0.38%
TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Gr Idx Instl TILIX 24.0% 908 0.08%
TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Inst TILGX 160.0% 1,500 0.48%
TIAA-CREF Large-Cap Growth Retail TIRTX 160.0% 1,500 0.90%
Touchstone Growth Opportunities Fund Institutional Class TGVVX 204.0% 139 0.84%
Touchstone Sands Capital Inst Gr CISGX 18.0% 1,900 0.80%
Transamerica Diversified Equity I2 TWMSZ 141.0% 1,500 0.80%
Turner Large Growth Institutional TTMEX 182.0% 364 0.69%
Turner Large Growth Investor TCGFX 182.0% 364 0.94%
Vanguard Capital Opportunity Adm VHCAX 9.0% 7,100 0.41%
Vanguard Capital Opportunity Inv VHCOX 9.0% 7,100 0.48%
Vanguard Diversified Equity Inv VDEQX 3.0% 1,200 0.41%
Vanguard FTSE Social Index Instl VFTNX 11.0% 535 0.16%
Vanguard FTSE Social Index Inv VFTSX 11.0% 535 0.29%
Vanguard Growth Equity Inv VGEQX 44.0% 731 0.52%
Vanguard Growth Index Instl VIGIX 23.0% 23,400 0.08%
Vanguard Growth Index Inv VIGRX 23.0% 23,400 0.24%
Vanguard Growth Index Signal VIGSX 23.0% 23,400 0.10%
Vanguard Morgan Growth Adm VMRAX 55.0% 8,700 0.30%
Vanguard Morgan Growth Inv VMRGX 55.0% 8,700 0.42%
Vanguard PRIMECAP Adm VPMAX 8.0% 27,700 0.36%
Vanguard PRIMECAP Core Inv VPCCX 9.0% 4,500 0.51%
Vanguard PRIMECAP Inv VPMCX 8.0% 27,700 0.45%
Vanguard Russell 1000 Growth Index Fund Institutional Shares VRGWX 30.0% 507 0.08%
Vanguard US Growth Adm VWUAX 89.0% 3,700 0.30%
Vanguard US Growth Inv VWUSX 89.0% 3,700 0.44%
Waddell & Reed Core Investment Y UNIYX 79.0% 2,900 0.84%
Waddell & Reed Vanguard Y WAVYX 87.0% 1,400 0.88%
Wells Fargo Advantage Capital Growth Adm WFCDX 116.0% 772 0.94%
Wells Fargo Advantage Capital Growth I WWCIX 116.0% 772 0.70%
Wells Fargo Advantage Endeavor Select I WFCIX 100.0% 840 0.80%
Wells Fargo Advantage Growth Adm SGRKX 54.0% 10,100 0.96%
Wells Fargo Advantage Growth I SGRNX 54.0% 10,100 0.75%
Wells Fargo Advantage Large Cap Growth Fund Administrator Class STDFX 47.0% 517 0.95%
Wells Fargo Advantage Large Cap Growth Fund Institutional Class STNFX 47.0% 517 0.75%
Wells Fargo Advantage Prem Lg Co Gr I EKJYX 65.0% 1,400 0.75%
Wells Fargo Advantage Premier Large Company Growth Fund Administrator Class WFPDX 65.0% 1,400 0.95%
William Blair Growth I BGFIX 59.0% 604 0.86%
William Blair Growth I BGFTZ 59.0% 604 0.86%

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Why Are These Metrics Important?

Turnover represents how much of a mutual fund's holdings are changed over the course of a year through buying and selling. Active mutual funds have an average turnover rate of about 85%, meaning that funds are turning over nearly all of their holdings every year. A high turnover means you could make lower returns because: 1) buying and selling stocks costs money through commissions and spreads and 2) the fund will distribute yearly capital gains which increases your taxes. Look for funds with turnover rates below 50%. For comparison, ETF turnover rates average around 10% or lower.

Generally, smaller funds do better than larger ones. The more assets in a mutual fund, the lower the chance that it will beat its index. Managers outperform an index by choosing stocks that are undervalued. In order to find these undervalued stocks, the manager has to know more than his competitors to develop an "edge." There are only a finite number of stocks a mutual fund manager can reasonably analyze and actively track to gain such a competitive edge. When the fund has more assets, the manager must analyze large companies because he needs to take larger positions. Large companies are more efficiently priced in the market and it becomes increasingly difficult to get an edge.