
Large Blend Mutual Funds : Mutual Fund Fees

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Aberdeen US Equity II A (WFAGX)
AdvisorOne Amerigo N (CLSAX)
AdvisorOne Descartes N (CLDEX)
AdvisorOne Select Appreciation Fund Class N Shares (CLACX)
Advisory Research All Cap Value Fund (ADVGX)
Alger Growth & Income Fund Class A (ALBAX)
Alger Growth & Income Portfolio I-2 (AIGOX)
AllianceBern Core Opportunities A (ADGAX)
AllianceBern Core Opportunities B (ADGBX)
AllianceBern Core Opportunities C (ADGCX)
AllianceBern Tx-Mgd Wlth Appr Strat Adv (ATWYX)
AllianceBern Tx-Mgd Wlth Appr Strat B (ATWBX)
AllianceBern Tx-Mgd Wlth Appr Strat C (ATWCX)
AllianceBern Wealth Apprec Strat A (AWAAX)
AllianceBern Wealth Apprec Strat Ad (AWAYX)
AllianceBern Wealth Apprec Strat B (AWABX)
AllianceBern Wealth Apprec Strat C (AWACX)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Managed Volatil A (NGWTZ)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Managed Volatil B (NGWBX)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Managed Volatil C (NGWCX)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Managed Volatil D (NGWDX)
Allianz AGIC U.S. Managed Volatil Instl (NGFIX)
Allianz RCM Disciplined Equity A (ARDAX)
Allianz RCM Disciplined Equity D (ARDDX)
Allianz RCM Disciplined Equity Inst (ARDIX)
Alpine Accelerating Dividend Instl (AADDX)
Alpine Dynamic Dividend Institutional (ADVDX)
Amana Trust Income (AMANX)
American Beacon S&P 500 Idx Instl (AASPX)
American Beacon S&P 500 Idx Inv (AAFPX)
American Century Equity Growth A (BEQAX)
American Century Equity Growth C (AEYCX)
American Century Equity Growth Instl (AMEIX)
American Century Equity Growth Inv (BEQGX)
American Century Equity Growth R (AEYRX)
American Century Equity Index Instl (ACQIX)
American Century Equity Index Inv (ACIVX)
American Century Fundamental Equity A (AFDAX)
American Century Fundamental Equity C (AFDCX)
American Century Fundamental Equity Inst (AFEIX)
American Century Fundamental Equity Inv (AFDIX)
American Century Fundamental Equity R (AFDRX)
American Century Legacy Foc Lg Cap Adv (ACFDX)
American Century Legacy Foc Lg Cap Instl (ACFSX)
American Century Legacy Foc Lg Cap Inv (ACFOX)
American Century Legacy Foc Lg Cap R (ACFCX)
American Funds Fundamental Investors A (ANCFX)
American Funds Fundamental Investors B (AFIBX)
American Funds Fundamental Investors R4 (RFNEX)
American Funds Fundamental Investors R5 (RFNFX)
American Funds Fundamental Investors R6 (RFNGX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs C (AFICX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs F-1 (AFIFX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs F-2 (FINFX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs R1 (RFNAX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs R2 (RFNBX)
American Funds Fundamental Invs R3 (RFNCX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America A (AIVSX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America B (AICBX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America C (AICCX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America F-1 (AICFX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America F-2 (ICAFX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R1 (RICAX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R2 (RICBX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R3 (RICCX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R4 (RICEX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R5 (RICFX)
American Funds Invmt Co of America R6 (RICGX)
Ameristock (AMSTX)
Ameristock (AMSTZ)
AMF Large Cap Equity AMF (IICAX)
Ave Maria Rising Dividend (AVEDX)
BBH Core Select N (BBTEX)
BBH Core Select Retail Class Shares (BBTRX)
Beck Mack & Oliver Partners (BMPEX)
BlackRock Index Equity Instl (PNIEX)
BlackRock Index Equity Inv A (CIEAX)
BlackRock Index Equity Inv B (CIEBX)
BlackRock Index Equity Inv C (CIECX)
BlackRock Index Equity Svc (PNESX)
BlackRock Large Cap Core Plus Inv A (BALPX)
BlackRock S&P 500 Index A (MDSRX)
BlackRock S&P 500 Index Instl (MASRX)
BlackRock S&P 500 Stock (WFSPX)
Blue Chip Investor (BCIFX)
BNY Mellon Large Cap Stock Inv (MILCX)
BNY Mellon Large Cap Stock M (MPLCX)
BNY Mellon US Core Equity 130/30 Inv (MUCIX)
BNY Mellon US Core Equity 130/30 M (MUCMX)
Bridgeway Blue Chip 35 Index (BRLIX)
Brown Advisory Value Equity Instl (BIAVX)
Calvert Enhanced Equity A (CMIFX)
Calvert Enhanced Equity B (CDXBX)
Calvert Enhanced Equity C (CMICX)
Cambiar Opportunity Inst (CAMWX)
Cambiar Opportunity Inv (CAMOX)
Carne Large Cap Value Fund Institutional Shares (WVLIX)
Carne Large Cap Value Fund Investor Shares (WVLVX)
Castle Focus Fund Class Investor (MOATX)
Clipper (CFIMX)
CNI Charter Socially Rspnb Eq N (AHRAX)
Cohen & Steers Dividend Value A (DVFAX)
Cohen & Steers Dividend Value C (DVFCX)
Cohen & Steers Dividend Value I (DVFIX)
Coldstream Dividend Growth Fund No Load Shares (CMDGX)
Columbia 120/20 Contrarian Equity A (RCEAX)
Columbia 120/20 Contrarian Equity C (RECCX)
Columbia 120/20 Contrarian Equity Fund Class B (CCEBX)
Columbia Contrarian Core A (LCCAX)
Columbia Contrarian Core B (LCCBX)
Columbia Contrarian Core Fund Class R4 (CCRFX)
Columbia Contrarian Core T (SGIEX)
Columbia Contrarian Core Z (SMGIX)
Columbia Contrarian Core Z (SMGSZ)
Columbia Large Cap Core A (NSGAX)
Columbia Large Cap Core B (NSIBX)
Columbia Large Cap Core Z (NSEPX)
Columbia Large Cap Enhanced Core A (NMIAX)
Columbia Large Cap Enhanced Core Z (NMIMX)
Columbia Large Cap Index A (NEIAX)
Columbia Large Cap Index B (CLIBX)
Columbia Large Cap Index Z (NINDX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative A (AQEAX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative B (AQEBX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative C (RDCEX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative Fund Class R (CLQRX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative R4 (RQEYX)
Columbia Large Core Quantitative R5 (RSIPX)
Columbia LifeGoal Growth A (NLGIX)
Columbia LifeGoal Growth B (NLGBX)
Columbia LifeGoal Growth C (NLGCX)
Columbia LifeGoal Growth Z (NGPAX)
Crawford Dividend Growth I (CDGIX)
CRM Large Cap Opportunity Instl (CRIGX)
CRM Large Cap Opportunity Inv (CRMGX)
Croft Value (CLVFX)
Davis NY Venture A (NYVTX)
Davis NY Venture B (NYVBX)
Davis NY Venture C (NYVCX)
Davis NY Venture R (NYVRX)
Davis NY Venture Y (DNVYX)
DFA Enhanced US Large Company I (DFELX)
DFA Tax-Managed US Equity (DTMEX)
DFA US Core Equity 1 I (DFEOX)
DFA US Large Company (DFUSX)
DFA US Sustainability Core 1 (DFSIX)
DGHM All-Cap Value Institutional (DGAIX)
DGHM All-Cap Value Investor (DGHMX)
Direxion Mthly S&P 500 Bull 2X Inv (DXSLX)
Domini Social Equity Inv (DSEFX)
Domini Social Equity R (DSFRX)
Domini Social Investment Trust Social Equity Fund Institutional Class (DIEQX)
Dreyfus Appreciation (DGAGX)
Dreyfus Basic S&P 500 Stock Index (DSPIX)
Dreyfus Core Equity C (DPECX)
Dreyfus Core Equity Fund Class A (DLTSX)
Dreyfus Core Equity Fund Class A (DPCSZ)
Dreyfus Core Equity I (DPERX)
Dreyfus Disciplined Stock (DDSTX)
Dreyfus Fund Incorporated (DREVX)
Dreyfus Large Cap Equity A (DLB1Z)
Dreyfus Large Cap Equity I (DLQIX)
Dreyfus S&P 500 Index (PEOPX)
Dreyfus Strategic Value A (DAGVX)
Dreyfus Strategic Value C (DCGVX)
Dreyfus Strategic Value I (DRGVX)
Dreyfus Tax-Managed Growth A (DTMGX)
Dreyfus Tax-Managed Growth C (DPTAX)
Dreyfus Tax-Managed Growth I (DPTRX)
Dreyfus/The Boston Co Lg Cp Cr I (SDEQX)
DWS Core Equity A (SUWAX)
DWS Core Equity B (SUWBX)
DWS Core Equity C (SUWCX)
DWS Core Equity Institutional (SUWIX)
DWS Core Equity S (SCD1Z)
DWS Core Equity S (SCDGX)
DWS Equity 500 Index Inst (BTIIX)
DWS Equity 500 Index S (BTIEX)
DWS S&P 500 Index A (SXPAX)
DWS S&P 500 Index B (SXPBX)
DWS S&P 500 Index S (SCPIX)
Eaton Vance Dividend Builder A (EVTMX)
Eaton Vance Dividend Builder B (EMTMX)
Eaton Vance Dividend Builder C (ECTMX)
Eaton Vance Dividend Builder I (EIUTX)
Eaton Vance Lg Cap Core Research A (EAERX)
Eaton Vance Lg Cap Core Research I (EIERX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Eq Asset Allc A (EAEAX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Eq Asset Allc B (EBEAX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Eq Asset Allc C (ECEAX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.1 A (ETTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.1 B (EMTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.1 C (ECTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.1 I (EITMX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.2 A (EXTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.2 B (EYTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.2 C (EZTGX)
Eaton Vance Tx-Mgd Growth 1.2 I (EITGX)
Epiphany FFV N (EPVNX)
Evergreen Equity Index Instl (WFIOX)
Fallen Angels Value (FAVLX)
FBR Large Cap I (FBPIX)
FBR Large Cap Investor (FBRPX)
Federated Capital Appreciation A (FEDEX)
Federated Capital Appreciation A (FEDTZ)
Federated Capital Appreciation B (CPABX)
Federated Capital Appreciation C (CPA2Z)
Federated Capital Appreciation C (CPACX)
Federated Capital Appreciation Instl (CPAIX)
Federated Capital Appreciation R (CPAKX)
Federated Max-Cap Index C (MXC1Z)
Federated Max-Cap Index C (MXCCX)
Federated Max-Cap Index Instl (FISPX)
Federated Max-Cap Index Svc (FMXSX)
Fidelity 130/30 Large Cap Fund (FOTTX)
Fidelity Advisor 130/30 Large Cap A (FOATX)
Fidelity Advisor 130/30 Large Cap B (FOBTX)
Fidelity Advisor 130/30 Large Cap C (FOCTX)
Fidelity Advisor 130/30 Large Cap I (FITOX)
Fidelity Advisor 130/30 Large Cap T (FORTX)
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock A (FDTOX)
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock C (FDTCX)
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock I (FDTIX)
Fidelity Advisor Diversified Stock T (FDTEX)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth A (FADAX)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth A (FAZCZ)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth B (FADBX)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth C (FDGCX)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth I (FDGIX)
Fidelity Advisor Dividend Growth T (FDGTX)
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value A (FAVAX)
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value B (FAVBX)
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value C (FAVCX)
Fidelity Advisor Equity Value I (FAIVX)
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income A (FGIRX)
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income B (FGISX)
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income C (FGIUX)
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income I (FGIOX)
Fidelity Advisor Growth & Income T (FGITX)
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap B (FALHX)
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap C (FLCCX)
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap I (FALIX)
Fidelity Advisor Large Cap T (FALGX)
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock A (FGTSZ)
Fidelity Advisor Mega Cap Stock I (FTRIX)
Fidelity Advisor Tax Managed Stock Fund Class A (FTXAX)
Fidelity Advisor Tax Managed Stock Fund Institutional Class (FTXIX)
Fidelity Capital Appreciation (FDCAX)
Fidelity Disciplined Equity (FDEQX)
Fidelity Dividend Growth (FDGFX)
Fidelity Growth & Income (FGRIX)
Fidelity Large Cap Core Enhanced Index (FLCEX)
Fidelity Large Cap Stock (FLCSX)
Fidelity Mega Cap Stock (FGRTX)
Fidelity Spartan 500 Index Advtg (FUSVX)
Fidelity Spartan 500 Index Inv (FUSEX)
Fidelity Spartan Total Market Index Inv (FSTMX)
Fidelity Spartan Total Mkt Idx Advtg (FSTVX)
Fidelity Tax Managed Stock (FTXMX)
Fidelity Value Discovery (FVDFX)
Fifth Third Equity Index A (KNIDX)
Fifth Third Equity Index Instl (KNIEX)
Fifth Third Structured Large Cap Plus A (KNVIX)
Fifth Third Structured Large Cap Plus I (KNVEX)
First Eagle US Value A (FEVAX)
First Eagle US Value C (FEVCX)
First Eagle US Value I (FEVIX)
Flex-funds Dynamic Growth (FLDGX)
Flex-funds Strategic Growth (FLFGX)
FMI Large Cap (FMIHX)
Fort Pitt Capital Total Return (FPCGX)
Forward CorePlus Institutional (AGROX)
Forward CorePlus Investor (AGRIX)
Forward Large Cap Dividend A (FFLAX)
Franklin Focused Core Equity A (FFCSZ)
Franklin Rising Dividends A (FRDAZ)
Franklin Rising Dividends A (FRDPX)
Franklin Rising Dividends Adv (FRDAX)
Franklin Rising Dividends R (FRDRX)
Gabelli Asset A (GATAX)
Gabelli Asset AAA (GABAX)
Gabelli Asset C (GATCX)
Gabelli Asset I (GABIX)
Gabelli Dividend Growth AAA (GABBX)
Gabelli Equity Income A (GCAEX)
Gabelli Equity Income AAA (GABEX)
Gabelli Equity Income C (GCCEX)
Gabelli Value A (GABVX)
Gabelli Value B (GVCBX)
Gabelli Value C (GVCCX)
Gabelli Value Fund Class AAA (GVCAX)
Gabelli Value I (GVCIX)
GAMCO Westwood Equity A (WEECX)
GAMCO Westwood Equity AAA (WESWX)
GAMCO Westwood Equity I (WEEIX)
GE Instl S&P 500 Index Inv (GIDIX)
GE Instl S&P 500 Index Svc (GIDSX)
GE Instl US Large Cap Core Eq Inv (GEIVX)
GE Instl US Large Cap Core Eq Svc (GEVSX)
Generation Wave Growth Investor (GWGFX)
Glenmede Large Cap 100 (GTLOX)
Glenmede Secured Options Portfolio (GTSOX)
Golden Large Cap Core I (GLDLX)
Goldman Sachs Rising Dividend Gr A (GSRAX)
Goldman Sachs Rising Dividend Gr Instl (GSRLX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Tx-Mgd Eq A (GCTAX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Tx-Mgd Eq B (GCTBX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Tx-Mgd Eq C (GCTCX)
Goldman Sachs Structured Tx-Mgd Eq I (GCTIX)
Goldman Sachs Structured US Equity A (GSSQX)
Goldman Sachs Structured US Equity B (GSSBX)
Goldman Sachs Structured US Equity C (GSUSX)
Goldman Sachs Structured US Equity I (GSELX)
Goldman Sachs Structured US Equity S (GSESX)
Goldman Sachs US Eq Div and Premium A (GSPAX)
Goldman Sachs US Eq Div and Premium C (GSPQX)
Goldman Sachs US Eq Div and Premium I (GSPKX)
Goldman Sachs US Equity A (GAGVX)
Golub Group Equity Fund (GGEFX)
Government Street Equity (GVEQX)
Guggenheim Large Cap Core A (SECEX)
Guggenheim Large Cap Core B (SEQBX)
Harbor Large Cap Value Adm (HRLVX)
Harbor Large Cap Value Instl (HAVLX)
Harbor Large Cap Value Inv (HILVX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation A (ITHAX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation B (IHCAX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation C (HCACX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation HLS IA (HIACX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation I (ITHIX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II A (HCTAX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II B (HCTBX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II C (HFCCX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II I (HCTIX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II R3 (HCTRX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II R4 (HCTSX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II R5 (HCTTX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation II Y (HCTYX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation R3 (ITHRX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation R4 (ITHSX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation R5 (ITHTX)
Hartford Capital Appreciation Y (HCAYX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity A (HAIAX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity B (HGIBX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity C (HGICX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity R3 (HGIRX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity R4 (HGISX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity R5 (HGITX)
Hartford Disciplined Equity Y (HGIYX)
Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Instl (HILGX)
Hennessy Cornerstone Large Growth Orig (HFLGX)
HighMark Large Cap Core Equity Retail A (HCA1Z)
HighMark Large Cap Core Equity Retail A (HCEAX)
HighMark Tactical Capital Gr Allc A (HMAAX)
HighMark Tactical Capital Gr Allc C (HMACX)
Hillman Advantage Equity (HCMTX)
Huntington Macro 100 A (HMA1Z)
Huntington Rotating Markets A (HRIAX)
Huntington Rotating Markets Trust (HRITX)
ICON Materials S (ICBMX)
ICON Risk-Managed Equity C (IOCCX)
ICON Risk-Managed Equity S (IOCZX)
IIT Sector Allocation Model (SAMSX)
Industry Leaders Institutional (ILFLX)
Industry Leaders Investor (ILFIX)
ING Core Equity Research A (AAGSZ)
ING Core Equity Research C (AEH1Z)
ING Core Equity Research Fund Class B (AGINX)
ING Core Equity Research I (AEGIX)
ING Corporate Leaders 100 A (IACLX)
ING Corporate Leaders 100 I (IICLX)
ING Index Plus LargeCap A (AELAX)
ING Index Plus LargeCap B (ATLBX)
ING Index Plus LargeCap C (AELCX)
ING Index Plus LargeCap I (AELIX)
ING Value Choice A (PAV1Z)
ING Value Choice A (PAVAX)
ING Value Choice C (PAVCX)
ING Value Choice Fund Class B (PAVBX)
ING Value Choice I (PAVIX)
INTECH U.S. Core Fund Class A (JDOAX)
INTECH U.S. Core Fund Class C (JLCCX)
INTECH U.S. Core Fund Class I (JRMCX)
INTECH U.S. Core Fund Class S (JLCIX)
Integrity Fund of Funds (IFOFX)
ISI Strategy (STRSZ)
Jacob Wisdom (JWSFX)
Janus Contrarian Fund Class A (JCNAX)
Janus Contrarian Fund Class C (JCNCX)
Janus Contrarian Fund Class I (JCONX)
Janus Contrarian Fund Class R (JCNRX)
Janus Contrarian Fund Class S (JCNIX)
Janus Contrarian T (JSVAX)
JHancock Sovereign Investors A (SOVIX)
JHancock Sovereign Investors B (SOVBX)
JHancock Sovereign Investors C (SOVCX)
JHancock Sovereign Investors I (SOIIX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive A (JALAX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive B (JBLAX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive C (JCLAX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive R1 (JPLAX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive R3 (JRLAX)
JHancock2 Lifestyle Aggressive R4 (JSLAX)
JPMorgan Disciplined Equity A (JDEAX)
JPMorgan Disciplined Equity Instl (JPIEX)
JPMorgan Disciplined Equity Sel (JDESX)
JPMorgan Equity Index A (OGEAX)
JPMorgan Equity Index B (OGEIX)
JPMorgan Equity Index C (OEICX)
JPMorgan Equity Index Select (HLEIX)
JPMorgan Intrepid Multi Cap A (JICAX)
JPMorgan Intrepid Multi Cap C (JICCX)
JPMorgan Intrepid Multi Cap Sel (JIISX)
JPMorgan Investor Growth Fund Class A (ONG1Z)
JPMorgan Investor Growth Fund Class B (OGIGX)
JPMorgan Investor Growth Fund Class C (OGGCX)
JPMorgan Investor Growth Fund Select Class (ONIFX)
JPMorgan US Dynamic Plus A (JPSAX)
JPMorgan US Dynamic Plus C (JPSCX)
JPMorgan US Dynamic Plus Sel (JILSX)
JPMorgan US Large Cap Core Plus A (JLCAX)
JPMorgan US Large Cap Core Plus C (JLPCX)
JPMorgan US Large Cap Core Plus R5 (JCPRX)
JPMorgan US Large Cap Core Plus Select (JLPSX)
JPMorgan US Research Equity Plus Fund Class A Shares (JEPAX)
Lazard US Strategic Equity Instl (LZUSX)
Lazard US Strategic Equity Open (LZUOX)
Legg Mason Batterymarch S&P 500 Index A (SBS1Z)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt All Cap A (SPAAX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt All Cap B (SPBBX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt All Cap C (SPBLX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt All Cap I (LACIX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt Value C (LMVTX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt Value FI (LMVFX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt Value I (LMNVX)
Legg Mason Cap Mgmt Value R (LMVRX)
Legg Mason Capital Management Disciplined Equity Research Fund Class A (LCDAX)
Legg Mason Capital Management Disciplined Equity Research Fund Class I (LGMIX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Appreciation A (SHAPX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Appreciation I (SAPYX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Equity I (LMQIX)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Fdmtl AlCp Val A (SHFCZ)
Legg Mason ClearBridge Fdmtl AlCp Val I (SFVYX)
Leuthold Select Industries (LSLTX)
Litman Gregory Masters Value Instl (MSVFX)
Longleaf Partners (LLPFX)
Lord Abbett Classic Stock A (LRLCZ)
Lord Abbett Classic Stock C (LLRCX)
Lord Abbett Classic Stock I (LARYX)
Lord Abbett Fundamental Equity A (LDFVX)
Lord Abbett Fundamental Equity I (LAVYX)
Madison Mosaic Disciplined Equity Y (MADEX)
MainStay 130/30 Core I (MYCIX)
MainStay Common Stock A (MSOAX)
MainStay Common Stock B (MOPBX)
MainStay Common Stock C (MGOCX)
MainStay Common Stock I (MSOIX)
MainStay Epoch US All Cap A (MAAAX)
MainStay Epoch US All Cap B (MAWBX)
MainStay Epoch US All Cap C (MAWCX)
MainStay Epoch US All Cap I (MATIX)
MainStay Epoch US Equity A (EPLPX)
MainStay Epoch US Equity I (EPLCX)
MainStay Growth Allocation A (MGXAX)
MainStay MAP A (MAPAX)
MainStay MAP B (MAPBX)
MainStay MAP C (MMPCX)
MainStay MAP I (MUBFX)
MainStay MAP R1 (MAPRX)
MainStay S&P 500 Index A (MSXAX)
Mairs & Power Growth Inv (MPGFX)
Managers AMG FQ Tax Mgd US Eq A (MFQAX)
Managers AMG FQ Tax Mgd US Eq Instl (MFQTX)
Managers AMG FQ US Equity A (FQUAX)
Managers AMG FQ US Equity Inst (MEQFX)
Manning & Napier Equity (EXEYX)
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Max Term I (MNHIX)
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Max Term S (EXHAX)
Manning & Napier Pro-Blend Max Term S (EXHTZ)
Manning & Napier Tax Managed A (EXTAX)
Manor (MNRMX)
Marathon Value Portfolio (MVG1Z)
Marathon Value Portfolio (MVPFX)
Matrix Advisors Value (MAVFX)
Metropolitan West AlphaTrak 500 (MWATX)
MFS Blended Research Core Equity A (MUEAX)
MFS Blended Research Core Equity B (MUSBX)
MFS Blended Research Core Equity C (MUECX)
MFS Blended Research Core Equity R3 (MUETX)
MFS Blended Research Core Equity R4 (MUEUX)
MFS Core Equity A (MRGAX)
MFS Core Equity A (MRGSZ)
MFS Core Equity B (MRGBX)
MFS Core Equity C (MRGCX)
MFS Core Equity I (MRGRX)
MFS Core Equity R3 (MRGHX)
MFS Core Equity R4 (MRGJX)
MFS Equity Opportunities A (SRFAX)
MFS Equity Opportunities B (SRFBX)
MFS Equity Opportunities C (SRFCX)
MFS Equity Opportunities Fund Class I (SRFIX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr A (MIT1Z)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr A (MITTX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr B (MITBX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr C (MITCX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr I (MITIX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr R3 (MITHX)
MFS Massachusetts Investors Tr R4 (MITDX)
MFS Research A (MFR1Z)
MFS Research A (MFRFX)
MFS Research B (MFRBX)
MFS Research C (MFRCX)
MFS Research I (MRFIX)
MFS Research R3 (MFRHX)
MFS Research R4 (MFRJX)
Muhlenkamp (MUHLX)
Munder Index 500 A (MUXAX)
Munder Index 500 B (MUXBX)
Nationwide A (NWFAX)
Nationwide Inv Dest Agrsv Svc (NDASX)
Nationwide Inv Destinations Agrsv A (NDAAX)
Nationwide Inv Destinations Agrsv C (NDACX)
Nationwide S&P 500 Index A (GRMAX)
Natixis CGM Advisor Targeted Equity A (NEFGX)
Natixis CGM Advisor Targeted Equity B (NEBGX)
Natixis CGM Advisor Targeted Equity C (NED1Z)
Natixis CGM Advisor Targeted Equity Y (NEGYX)
Natixis Harris Associates Large Cp Val A (NEFOX)
Natixis Harris Associates Large Cp Val A (NGITZ)
Natixis Harris Associates Large Cp Val B (NEGBX)
Natixis Harris Associates Large Cp Val C (NECOX)
Natixis Harris Associates Large Cp Val Y (NEOYX)
Neiman Large Cap Value (NEIMX)
Neuberger Berman Focus Adv (NBFAX)
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund Class A (NFAAX)
Neuberger Berman Focus Fund Institutional Class (NFALX)
Neuberger Berman Focus Inv (NBSSX)
Neuberger Berman Focus Tr (NBFCX)
Neuberger Berman Multi-Cap Opp A (NMUAX)
Neuberger Berman Multi-Cap Opp Inst (NMULX)
Northern Large Cap Equity (NOGEX)
Northern Stock Index (NOSIX)
Nuveen Equity Index A (FAEIX)
Nuveen Equity Index B (FAEQX)
Nuveen Equity Index C (FCEIX)
Nuveen Equity Index I (FEIIX)
Nuveen Quantitative Enhanced Core Eq A (FQCAX)
Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth A (NSBAX)
Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth B (NSQ1Z)
Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth C (NSBCX)
Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth I (NSBRX)
Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities A (NVOAX)
Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities B (NVOBX)
Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities C (NVOCX)
Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities I (NVORX)
Nuveen Tradewinds Value Opportunities R3 (NTVTX)
Oakmark I (OAKMX)
Oakmark II (OARMX)
Oakmark Select I (OAKLX)
Oakmark Select II (OARLX)
Olstein All Cap Value Adv (OFAFX)
Olstein All Cap Value C (OFALX)
Oppenheimer Main Street A (MSI1Z)
Oppenheimer Main Street A (MSI2Z)
Oppenheimer Main Street A (MSIGX)
Oppenheimer Main Street B (OMSBX)
Oppenheimer Main Street C (MIGCX)
Oppenheimer Main Street N (OMGNX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Select A (OMSOX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Select B (OMOBX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Select C (OMSCX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Select N (OMSNX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Select Y (OMSYX)
Oppenheimer Main Street Y (MIGYX)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends A (OARDX)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends A (QFV1Z)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends A (QFV2Z)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends B (OBRDX)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends C (OCRDX)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends N (ONRDX)
Oppenheimer Rising Dividends Y (OYRDX)
Pacific Advisors Large Cap Value A (PAGTX)
Parnassus Equity Income - Inst (PRILX)
Parnassus Equity Income - Inv (PRBLX)
Pear Tree Quality Institutional (QGIAX)
Pear Tree Quality Ordinary (USBOX)
PIMCO Fundamental IndexPLUS TR A (PIXTZ)
PIMCO Fundamental IndexPLUS TR D (PIXDX)
PIMCO Fundamental IndexPLUS TR Inst (PXTIX)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Admin (PSP2Z)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Long Duration Instl (PSLDX)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Total Return A (PTOTZ)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Total Return B (PTOBX)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Total Return C (PSOCX)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Total Return D (PSTDX)
PIMCO StocksPLUS Total Return Instl (PSPTX)
Pioneer A (PIODX)
Pioneer A (PIOSZ)
Pioneer B (PBODX)
Pioneer Ibbotson Aggressive Allocation A (PIAAX)
Pioneer Ibbotson Aggressive Allocation B (IALBX)
Pioneer Ibbotson Aggressive Allocation C (IALCX)
Pioneer R (PIORX)
Pioneer Y (PYODX)
PL Port Optimization Aggressive B (POEBX)
PL Port Optimization Aggressive C (POCEX)
PL Portfolio Optimization Aggressive Fund Class A (POEAX)
PL Portfolio Optimization Aggressive Fund Class A (POESZ)
Plumb Equity (PLBEX)
PMC Diversified Equity Fund (PMDEX)
PNC S&P 500 Index A (PIIAX)
PNC S&P 500 Index I (PSXIX)
Praxis Core Stock A (MMPAX)
Principal Capital Appreciation A (CMNWX)
Principal Capital Appreciation B (CMNBX)
Principal Capital Appreciation C (CMNCX)
Principal Capital Appreciation Inst (PWCIX)
Principal Large Cap S&P 500 Index A (PLSAX)
Principal Large Cap S&P 500 Index C (PLICX)
Principal Large Cap S&P 500 Index R3 (PLFMX)
Principal Large Cap S&P 500 Index R5 (PLFPX)
Principal SAM Strategic Growth A (SACAX)
Principal SAM Strategic Growth R5 (PSGFX)
ProFunds Basic Materials UltraSector Inv (BMPIX)
ProFunds Basic Materials UltraSector Svc (BMPSX)
ProFunds Bull Inv (BLPIX)
ProFunds Bull Svc (BLPSX)
ProFunds UltraBull Inv (ULPIX)
Prudential Growth Allocation A (JDAAX)
Prudential Growth Allocation B (JDGBX)
Prudential Growth Allocation C (JDGCX)
Prudential Growth Allocation Z (JDGZX)
Prudential Jennison Equity Opp A (PJIAX)
Prudential Jennison Equity Opp B (PJIBX)
Prudential Jennison Equity Opp C (PJGCX)
Prudential Jennison Equity Opp Z (PJGZX)
Prudential Jennison Value A (PBEAX)
Prudential Jennison Value B (PBQIX)
Prudential Jennison Value C (PEICX)
Prudential Jennison Value L (JVK1Z)
Prudential Jennison Value Z (PEIZX)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity A (PTMAX)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity B (PTMBX)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity C (PTMCX)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity L (DLQ1Z)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity X (DLXBX)
Prudential Large Cap Core Equity Z (PTEZX)
Prudential Stock Index A (PSIAX)
Prudential Stock Index B (PBSIX)
Prudential Stock Index C (PSICX)
Prudential Stock Index Z (PSIFX)
Putnam Investors A (PINVX)
Putnam Investors B (PNVBX)
Putnam Investors C (PCINX)
Putnam Investors M (PNVMX)
Putnam Investors Y (PNVYX)
Putnam Research A (PNRAX)
Putnam Research B (PRFBX)
Putnam Research C (PRACX)
Putnam Research M (PRFMX)
Pyxis Core America Equity A (HCOAX)
RidgeWorth Agrsv Gr Allc Strat A (SLAAX)
RidgeWorth Agrsv Gr Allc Strat C (CLVLX)
RidgeWorth Large Cap Core Growth Stock A (CFVIX)
RidgeWorth Large Cap Core Growth Stock C (CVIBX)
RidgeWorth Large Cap Core Growth Stock I (CRVAX)
Royce Special Equity Multi-Cap Fund Service Class (RSEMX)
RS Large Cap Alpha A (GPAFX)
RS Large Cap Alpha K (RCEKX)
RS Large Cap Alpha Y (RCEYX)
RS S&P 500 Index A (GUSPX)
RS S&P 500 Index C (RSAPX)
Russell US Core Equity A (RSQAX)
Russell US Core Equity C (REQSX)
Russell US Core Equity E (REAEX)
Russell US Core Equity I (REASX)
Russell US Core Equity I (REASZ)
Russell US Core Equity S (RLISX)
Russell US Core Equity S (RLISZ)
Russell US Quantitative Equity A (REQAX)
Russell US Quantitative Equity C (REQCX)
Russell US Quantitative Equity E (REQEX)
Russell US Quantitative Equity I (REDSX)
Russell US Quantitative Equity I (REDSZ)
Russell US Quantitative Equity S (REQTX)
Russell US Quantitative Equity S (REQTZ)
Rydex Nova A (RYANX)
Rydex Nova C (RYNCX)
Rydex Nova Inv (RYNTZ)
Rydex Nova Inv (RYNVX)
Rydex S&P 500 2x Strategy A (RYTTX)
Rydex S&P 500 2x Strategy C (RYCTX)
Rydex S&P 500 2x Strategy H (RYTNX)
Rydex S&P 500 A (RYSOX)
Rydex S&P 500 C (RYSYX)
Rydex S&P 500 H (RYSPX)
SA US Core Market (SAMKX)
Saratoga Large Capitalization Value A (SLVYX)
Saratoga Large Capitalization Value B (SLVZX)
Schroder North American Equity Adv (SNAVX)
Schroder North American Equity Inv (SNAEX)
Schwab 1000 Index (SNXFX)
Schwab Core Equity Inv (SWANX)
Schwab MarketTrack All Equity Investor (SWEGX)
Schwab S&P 500 Index (SWPPX)
Schwab Total Stock Market Index (SWTSX)
Schwartz Value (RCMFX)
Selected American Shares D (SLADX)
Selected American Shares S (SLASX)
Sentinel Common Stock A (SENCX)
Sentinel Common Stock I (SICWX)
Sentinel Sustainable Core Opp A (MYPVX)
Sentinel Sustainable Core Opp I (CVALX)
Sequoia (SEQUX)
Shelton S&P 500 Index Direct (SPFIX)
Sit Dividend Growth I (SDVGX)
Sit Dividend Growth S (SDVSX)
SSgA S&P 500 Index Instl (SVSPX)
STAAR Larger Company Stock (SITLX)
Sterling Capital Select Equity I (BBISX)
Steward Large Cap Enhanced Index Inst (SEECX)
Stratton Multi Cap (STRGX)
SunAmerica Strategic Value B (SFDBX)
T. Rowe Price Capital Opportunity (PRCOX)
T. Rowe Price Capital Opportunity Adv (PACOX)
T. Rowe Price Capital Opportunity R (RRCOX)
T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth (PRDGX)
T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth Adv (TADGX)
T. Rowe Price Equity Index 500 (PREIX)
T. Rowe Price Spectrum Growth (PRSGX)
T. Rowe Price Total Equity Market Idx (POMIX)
T. Rowe Price U.S. Large-Cap Core Fund (TRULX)
T. Rowe Price U.S. Large-Cap Core Fund Advisor Class (PAULX)
Target Growth Allocation A (PHGAX)
Target Growth Allocation B (PIHGX)
Target Growth Allocation R (SPHTZ)
Target Growth Allocation Z (PDHZX)
TCW Concentrated Value I (TGFFX)
TCW Concentrated Value N (TGFVX)
The BeeHive Fund (BEEHX)
The Cook & Bynum Fund (COBYX)
Thompson Plumb Growth (THPGX)
Thornburg Value A (TVA1Z)
Thornburg Value A (TVAFX)
Thornburg Value I (TVIFX)
Thornburg Value R3 (TVRFX)
Thornburg Value R4 (TVIRX)
Thornburg Value R5 (TVRRX)
TIAA-CREF Equity Index Instl (TIEIX)
TIAA-CREF Equity Index Premier (TCEPX)
TIAA-CREF Equity Index R (TIQRX)
TIAA-CREF Equity Index Retail (TINRX)
TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Instl (TIGRX)
TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Premier (TRPGX)
TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Retail (TIIRX)
TIAA-CREF Growth & Income Retire (TRGIX)
TIAA-CREF S&P 500 Index Instl (TISPX)
TIAA-CREF S&P 500 Index Retire (TRSPX)
TIAA-CREF Social Choice Eq Instl (TISCX)
TIAA-CREF Social Choice Eq Premier (TRPSX)
TIAA-CREF Social Choice Eq Retail (TICRX)
TIAA-CREF Social Choice Eq Retire (TRSCX)
Timothy Plan Large/Mid-Cap Value A (TLVAX)
Tocqueville (TOCQX)
Toreador Large Cap (TORLX)
Toreador Large Cap Fund Institutional Class (TORZX)
Torray (TORYX)
Touchstone Focused Instl (TFFIX)
Touchstone Focused Y (TFFYX)
Touchstone Growth Allocation A (TGQAX)
Touchstone Growth Allocation C (TGQCX)
Touchstone Growth Allocation Instl (TGQIX)
Touchstone Large Cap Relative Value Class A (TRVAX)
Touchstone Large Cap Relative Value Class Y (TRVYX)
Touchstone Large Cap Relative Value Institutional Class (TRVIX)
Touchstone US Long/Short A (TUSAX)
Touchstone US Long/Short Instl (TUSIX)
Touchstone US Long/Short Y (TUSYX)
Transamerica Asset Allc Growth A (IAAAX)
Transamerica Asset Allc Growth I (TAGIX)
TS&W Equity Institutional (TSWEX)
UBS US Equity Alpha A (BEAAX)
UBS US Equity Alpha Y (BEAYX)
UBS US Large Cap Equity A (BNEQX)
UBS US Large Cap Equity Y (BPEQX)
USFS Funds Tactical Asset Allocation Fund (USFSX)
Vanguard 500 Index Investor (VFINX)
Vanguard 500 Index Signal (VIFSX)
Vanguard Capital Value Inv (VCVLX)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Idx Inv (VDAIX)
Vanguard Dividend Growth Inv (VDIGX)
Vanguard Growth & Income Adm (VGIAX)
Vanguard Growth & Income Inv (VQNPX)
Vanguard Institutional Index Instl (VINIX)
Vanguard Institutional Index Instl Pl (VIIIX)
Vanguard Instl Ttl Stk Mkt Idx Instl (VITNX)
Vanguard Large Cap Index Instl (VLISX)
Vanguard Large Cap Index Inv (VLACX)
Vanguard Large Cap Index Signal (VLCSX)
Vanguard Russell 1000 Index Instl (VRNIX)
Vanguard Russell 3000 Index Instl (VRTTX)
Vanguard Tax-Managed Capital App Adm (VTCLX)
Vanguard Tax-Managed Growth & Inc Adm (VTGLX)
Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx Instl (VITSX)
Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv (VTSMX)
Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Signal (VTSSX)
Vice Investor (VICEX)
Victory Diversified Stock A (SRVCZ)
Victory Diversified Stock A (SRVEX)
Victory Diversified Stock A (SRVTZ)
Victory Diversified Stock C (VDSCX)
Victory Diversified Stock I (VDSIX)
Victory Diversified Stock R (GRINX)
Victory Inst Diversified Stock (VIDSX)
Victory Stock Index A (SSTIX)
Virtus AlphaSector Rotation A (PWBAX)
Virtus AlphaSector Rotation C (PWBCX)
Virtus AlphaSector Rotation Fund Class I (VARIX)
Virtus Core Equity I (HGRIX)
Virtus Growth & Income A (PDASZ)
Virtus Growth & Income A (PDIAX)
Virtus Growth & Income C (PGICX)
Virtus Growth & Income I (PXIIX)
Virtus Premium AlphaSector Fund Class A (VAPAX)
Virtus Premium AlphaSector Fund Class I (VAPIX)
Virtus Quality Large-Cap Value A (PPTSZ)
Virtus Quality Large-Cap Value C (PPTCX)
Virtus Quality Large-Cap Value I (PIPTX)
Weitz Value (WVALX)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cap Val A (CBEAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cap Val A (CBESZ)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cap Val Adm (CBLLX)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cap Val B (CBEBX)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cap Val C (CBECX)
Wells Fargo Advantage C&B Lg Cp Val Inv (CBEQX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Diversified Eq A (NVDAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Diversified Eq B (NVDBX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Index A (WFILX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Index A (WIF3Z)
Wells Fargo Advantage Index B (WFIMX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Index Fund Investor Class (WFIRX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Intrinsic Value A (EIVAX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Intrinsic Value Fund Administrator Class (EIVDX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Intrinsic Value I (EIVIX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Large Cap Core Fund Investor Class (WFLNX)
Wells Fargo Advantage Lg Cp Core A (EGOAX)
Westcore Blue Chip (WTMVX)
Westcore Blue Chip Institutional (WIMVX)
Westwood LargeCap Value A (WWLAX)
Westwood LargeCap Value Institutional (WHGLX)
Wilshire 5000 Index Instl (WINDX)
Wilshire 5000 Index Invmt (WFIVX)
Wilshire Large Cap Core Plus Instl (WLTTX)
Wilshire Large Cap Core Plus Invmt (WLCTX)
Wintrust Capital Disciplined Equity Fund Class A (WHLAX)
Wintrust Capital Disciplined Equity Fund Class I (WHLIX)
Wright Major Blue Chip Equities (WQCEX)
Yacktman (YACKX)
Yacktman (YACTZ)
Yacktman Focused (YAFFX)