I Believe, But Help Me In My Unbelief — Dealing With Market Volatility

Posted on July 4, 2010 at 9:09 AM PDT by

A man having a religious crisis of faith initially spoke the famous words of this blogs subject line. He was acknowledging that with tough decisions, there is a continuum, not a simple yes or no answer. You can have conviction, but circumstances come along that challenge it’s depth.

Similarly with such market volatility in recent weeks, a few MarketRiders members have been asked to make some tough calls when, depending upon the portfolio, our rebalancing algorithms have alerted them to add to positions like, of all things, Europe. “Are you serious?” one member moaned. “Everyone knows Europe is blowing up. Why buy more now?”

Just like the man from the quote above, this member was having a tough time sticking with the plan. Sorry, but “buy low sell high” is tough to do. Successful investors must continually bet against the crowd, always with deep conviction, coupled with a tug of “unbelief.”

The MarketRiders system of buy, hold, rebalance is an investment approach, based upon solid research and unshakable facts. We can never remove all doubt, but we’ve harnessed the most scientifically verifiable investment approach known today. Rebalancing adds to returns and helps manage risk. You maintain your target allocations, and the risk level you set for yourself when you built your portfolio. Riding winners if fun, but what goes up, certainly comes down. Moving from religion to the casino: rebalancing forces you to “take money off the table” and add to losing bets that will be tomorrow’s winning ones.

It’s tough to maintain your allocations, and trimming a gold position or buying Europe while it is apparently swirling down the toilet is not easy. At moments like these, lean into the facts of the scientific research, push back your emotions and then rebalance your portfolio. You will be glad you did.

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